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Beyond Organic by Jordan S. Rubin

"When I tell people that I have recently fulfilled a dream of mine by creating a sustainable, "beyond organic" ranch/farm, most immediately jump to the same conclusion. "So, you plan to raise grass-fed beef and pastured chickens and eggs, and milk organic dairy cows, goats and sheep" they assume. While I'm a huge fan of consuming grass fed meat and dairy, and am extremely passionate about transforming the health of our nation and world, this project is about completing a journey I started 15 years ago—and it feels less like a choice and much more like a responsibility."
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5 thoughts on “Jordan Rubin on TBN for Beyond Organic

  1. Rachel
    It is not just prayer that makes all food clean. Only God may assign clean and unclean.
    For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the WORD OF GOD and prayer.
    (1Ti 4:4-5 KJV)

  2. What was Filthy Food in the Old Covenant, is Filthy Food in the New Covenant. Our Creator does not change, people twist Scripture to “FEEL GOOD” about what They do. Why would anyone want to eat something that Demons were cast into? I am going to Follow The Words of Our Creator, Not Man!

  3. This is a common fallacy, based on a misunderstanding of Apostle Paul. If it were true, you could just pray over your pork chops and eat them raw. Are you willing to risk that? What God makes clean is clean indeed. Pork and shellfish are full of worms and toxins. God has called them unclean for this reason.

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