Kosher Food – Kashrut
Many people hear the word kosher (Kashrut in Hebrew) but what does it really mean? It is important to understand about kosher food for health reasons and spiritual reasons.
In this video I explain the three meanings of kosher food and what one is best for you.
Thanks for making the word kosher make sense in every area! You have blessed me so very much.
I thought Kosher was a pickle.
+john peterson Kosher is salt, too.
The diet the mind needs, is to consume is the Spirit of the Father. The Spirit of the Father will bring all the Words of the Messiah to our minds Forever. The Spirit will Teach and Comfort us Forever… John chapter 14, verse 26. The Spirit will make a home in us Forever… Peace
Good teaching. I have, for a long time, not liked how the word kosher is thrown around as loosely as it has.
What you call “Rabbinical Kosher” is not having a Rabbi bless it. What a horrible ignorance people have in this subject….
You should have someone who actually knows the ins and outs come onthe show and do an interview.
It’s no blood, slaughtered properly, no bugs and then some.
Please consider and edit this error……
Common sense kosher isn’t just any flesh at the grocery store… Not even at a organic store…
Strangled chicken, bolted cows you name it..
+jewels easterman
You didn’t have any bread? No grains? Not a single plant based food?… For an entire year??? Wth.. not even juice???
And to brag about it?.
I know people who have smoked cigarettes for 20 years and can run just fine.. slept with dozens of prostitutes and not died from AIDS…
“Praise god! Perfect health…”. Oh… They must have prayed over it all…
Isn’t kosher also when the animal is killed the right way. It can’t be strangled? So, even some of the dressings for salads can be un kosher right, because the animals that produce those dairy products wasn’t killed right. That’s why we suppose to look for the K or the U or other kosher symbols on products right?
James Chandler, dairy animals are not killed before giving milk. I know you knew that.
Went wrong with “Red Lobster”. Lobsters were once fed to prisoners because they are bugs of the sea and not culture. Now they are expensive and sought after along with crabs, and shrimp. But you know something? I like shrimp and crab. They’re delicious. So is catfish and pork.
+Andres Fontanez The father (YHWH) the one who’s message is the holy bible, says if you want to be “set apart” to him you should avoid eating these things. If you prefer not to be set apart or not to be obedient to the father then you can continue to eat whatever you want–its your choice.
I knew a couple of Navajos that wouldn’t eat them… they called them bugs.. . but it was of because of their clan they belonged to… There are many Native that do eat bottom feeders .
Kosher food , being blessed is B.S ..grow up !
+Jason Noble
have ye not heard We are to Not be Respectors of persons ?
When ye Reject to Hear what they Also reject to Hear how then are ye being Adherant to Right when ye prove to not Do Right by Hearing when Hearing the matter is the Right Thing to Do ?!
Should i respect jason for his rejectng to Hear so as to Confirm a matter he contends against when he dies not care to Hear The Subject ?!
+Jason Noble
if ye are not able to Understand the Answers i did give and ye claim i did not Answer though the evidence is there that i Did answer, should i Respect a person whom bears false witness against others ?!
When ye reject to Hear what was advised to hear which even the erred pastor ye were contwntious against Refuses to Hear what is Commanded to Hear, should i respect either of the two errored persons ?!
When i love my enemies As Commanded and so relay for them to do whats Right and relay for them to Hear what is is Commanded to Hear am i at fault when they Refuse to do as Commanded ?!
No i tell thee but unless ye repent ye shall All likewise perish !
+Neil Roder 1)if ye are not able to Understand the Answers i did give and ye claim i did not Answer though the evidence is there that i Did answer, should i Respect a person whom bears false witness against others ?!
1) Yes , you should always respect people as human beings , when people claim a special rights over others , because of a unproven religious belief , that’s where wars begin … NO human has a special right over another …NONE !
2)When ye reject to Hear what was advised to hear which even the erred pastor ye were contwntious against Refuses to Hear what is Commanded to Hear, should i respect either of the two errored persons ?!
2) Yes , just because a person doesn’t agree with your religious views doesn’t give you a special right to disrespect them .. or ask them to never question your religion , or you may dispose of them …That’s wrong and not what humanity is all about …250,00 years of evolution is the truth ,, not a religious lie …
3)When i love my enemies As Commanded and so relay for them to do whats Right and relay for them to Hear what is is Commanded to Hear am i at fault when they Refuse to do as Commanded ?!
3) you are not at fault to discuss your world view …but if it is rejected or questioned , you have NO special right to not respect them as a human being … Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose …
4)No i tell thee but unless ye repent ye shall All likewise perish !
4) You have NO evidence to prove your claim ..and now you owe me an apology for a threat from ignorance and misinformation …
Think Free ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 🙂
+Jason Noble
A False witness shall not go unpunished.
+Neil Roder Define “false witness” ..
Think Free ……………………………………. 🙂 Â
Good teaching Paul but people also need to know that Adonai expects us to slaughter the clean animals in a certain way. Deut 12 15 However, you may slaughter and eat meat wherever you live and whenever you want, in keeping with the degree to which Adonai your God has blessed you. The unclean and the clean may eat it, as if it were gazelle or deer. 16 But don’t eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water. You won’t follow this commandment if you are eating supermarket meat or poultry.
Also, it should be mentioned that unless you are eating animals that are certified Kosher (that is killed by a Shochet under the laws of Shechita), you may even be eating Halal which is food sacrificed to an idol. We are commanded NOT to eat food sacrificed to idols and there is no way to truly follow that unless you eat Kosher. Do people know that up until 2012 Butterball Turkey was Halal?
You also need to look out for hidden unclean food additives in packaged foods. L-Cysteine, Carmine, Cochineal, Castoreum, Stearic Acid, Glycerin and some “natural flavors”  etc etc etc. Even cheese can be unkosher due to the rennet and cultures used. It could come form a Halal cow (rennet is the lining of a dead cows stomach and is in most cheeses).
true true and true. Thank you Simone
So many stipulations that we put on ourselves. This will keep us further from Yehovah. We have grace for a reason. In my household, we can’t afford to have kosher prepared meats (killed properly) etc. so we have to just eat the beef, and chicken, that we can afford. But being spiritually mature, I know that Yah can bless it and I can receive grace. But this doesn’t give me the right to eat pork and shellfish because it is not food, to begin with. Blessings!
To every God fearing believer in New York, get OUT, leave the continent go somewhere safe away from all cities, while time permits, discard any electronic devices that allow you to be tracked too, Throw Them away!. I urge you not to ignore God’s voice, if you feel/hear it within you; where we are at right now, IT’s absolutely REAL.
Love Light and blessings go out to you in the name of our savior the true savior Yeshua (Jesus Christ), King of Israel, King of Earth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords and The Father of all Creation.
Yes Paul did talk of meat, but he also became vegan to not stumble his brothers do to most being sacrificed to idols, love ya brother bless, keep it up… seem like these times are shortened haleluyah…
Do we suppose to eat the seeds and then fertilize the seed to keep the cycle..or do we suppose to spit them out?
Some people can’t chew their food.
People I know who stay away from pork and shell fish etc. say they don’t eat it because it’s bad for us…. Yes it is, but I don’t eat it because God said don’t eat it…. Many shy away from telling others the real reason they don’t eat it… Some say they are allergic to it so they don’t have to mention that God says don’t eat it….
To me, beef isn’t all that much better for us than pork… It is, but in reality not by much….
People may say they don’t like the taste of pork or other unclean animals just so they don’t have to bring God into it. To me, telling people the truth is a good way to get a conversation going about God’s Way…. So I just frankly tell them, it may taste good to you, but God says don’t eat it, so I honor God’s command and I don’t eat it…..
and Kashrut? What’s that?
I was watching another video and it said the meat had to be Shechita. Is that a Biblical or man made practice?
The ANCIENT Greeks had it RIGHT:
Everything should be done IN MODERATION.