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Simply Learn Hebrew! How to Learn the Hebrew alphabet! How to speak Hebrew! Learn to read Hebrew sentences! Ideal for teaching Hebrew! How to Study Hebrew! [Kindle Edition]
Purchase book on Amazon:
Simply Learn Hebrew! How to Learn the Hebrew alphabet! How to speak Hebrew! Learn to read Hebrew sentences! Ideal for teaching Hebrew! How to Study Hebrew! [Kindle Edition]
Hi! Is there no video after lesson 19 of the letters? It ended with Reish.
אני מצרפת ואני יהודי, כי אני רוצה לדבר בעברית! תודה רבה! 🙂
My first lesson yea I’m excited I’m a slow learner. Tried Google play store apps but just couldn’t understand then I found this teaching thank you sir
Thanks for the lesson it helps me to speak hebrew so i can go to israel and kill them all to free my country palestine ha ha ha you are going to die zionists . prepare for death.
Emm!! Guys I’m Trying to be as polite and positive as I can! But Freddy Merca ! you did go over borders ! we didn’t insult you or you’re country ! We Know that is forbidden for Jews to Creat a country ! You can look for that in The “Torah” ; and it seems that you did never Read…
we won’t Kill anybody .. we don’t hate anybody ! and I’m Not a TERRORIST
+Ibrahim Saghir Dude, of course you aren’t. You didn’t even read anything we wrote. I told you everything I know about both Israel and Palestian tarritoty. Just don’t encourage that troll
Mr Saika
I guess Arab learned Arabic to kill other Arabs in Syria Yemen Iraq lybia…
good to know
I just want to say my own country had similar thing happen in WW2, and by the Ottoman Empire before that for centuries. Just because there is hate from history does not mean we have to teach our children to feed into it. If anything, we should learn from the sins of our fathers…
When I was young, a Bosnian friend of mine and I got into fights because I am Serbian and our countries have a dark history, polluted by evil men on BOTH SIDES who wanted to do EVIL THINGS that no good man or woman, regardless of culture, should do (rape, slaughter, live mass burials, shovels to the heads of babies, etc).
When we grew up over the years, however, we realized that our ancestor’s hatred is only weighing us down. We do not have to submit to the suffering and death that long-dead men have transgressed against their fellow humans. We should rise above that hatred! The love for one another and for this Earth is what is real…not the selfishness of blood-lust and unholy fury.
Israel and Palestine BOTH need young leaders like myself who can OVERCOME the HISTORICAL HATE and instead UNITE TOGETHER in worship of the TRUE doctrine of non-violent coexistence, regardless of personal views on religion.
The Oded Yinon plan is immoral and wrong, and you cannot tell me that it is not. Just because Hitler killed a lot of Jewish families does not mean that those same Jewish survivors can do the same apartheid against their fellow humans.
So don’t try to talk circles around me – I am too educated to fall for wordplay. Neither modern Israel nor modern Palestine are doing anything especially good right now: they are being possessed by evil men with evil plans for anyone outside of their political groups and sects. I only wish we would wake up before the propaganda totally drowns any hope for a future without war, without disease, and without hate.
God bless.
I have no idea were this synagogue is in pueblo. Im trying to get help with aliyah. Love the teachings of hebrew.
Thank you good teaching
לPCSBR38 אני מרגישה בדיוק כמוך XD
I just bought your book. In video I see five vowel but in book I see six vowels:
can you explain? does you book come in audio?
+Lorna Wilson Hi, Lorna…I noticed that sometimes the number of vowels are referred to as “five” and other times as “six” as well. I don’t speak Hebrew and am only learning. But according to a “Biblical Hebrew” study guide I purchased from the Christian bookstore, there are indeed SIX vowel sounds. They are listed as the following: “a” as in “father; “e” as in “they”; “e” as in “better”; “i” as in “machine” (basically, this one is a long “eeee” sound); “o” as in “role”; and “u” as in “ruler”. I hope this helps. Take good care!
+Linda Casablanca-Potter The sound in “they” is a diphthong containing the “eh” sound & the “ee” sound…
“A diphthong (/ˈdɪfθɒːŋ/ DIF-thong or /ˈdɪpθɒːŋ/ DIP-thong) (Greek: δίφθογγος, diphthongos, literally “two sounds” or “two tones”), also known as a gliding vowel, refers to two adjacent vowel sounds occurring within the same syllable.” (definition from wikipedia)
As a person who learns and teaches arabic, i like the way you teach hebrew. Thank you.
+EmirhanMW2 can you teach me Arabic?
Seriously? I do teach people for free, if you are serious about it, i may teach you. My skype: emirhan1907-2
I’m serious, why won’t I? 😀 I dont’t have skype but I will make one.
+EmirhanMW2 ; you learn/teach arabic,!!! great; i’m a native speaker of arbic; but i wish to get a chance to talk in english, if it’s possible
I know Hebrew אני יודעת עברית
Dear Sir,
thanks for your great lessons. It really makes a difference in learning hebrew.
However there is something about the nikkudot which doesnt make any sense to me.
It is said that the pronounciation of the sheva is e or no sound.
Could you teach us how to easily tell the difference?
Could you teach us how to learn to read the sheva?
And last but not least, the yud could also be pronounced as y or i.
Could you teach us how to clarify the pronounciation of yud?
Thank you so much for your support
Best Regards
+Max Mustermann Modern Israeli Hebrew pronunciation, taught here, is an extreme simplification of the Biblical versions that many Jews today neglect, and exhibits many European features not found in any ancient Middle Eastern dialect. This is not surprising as the founding father of Modern Hebrew was in fact an Ashkenazic Jew. Additional features of the Biblical version are as follows:
Vav is pronounced ‘V’, but pronounced ‘W’ when directly preceded or followed by a ‘U’ vowel.
Gimel w/o Dagesh is pronounced as a Uvular Fricative (see IPA chart), the same as the French ‘R’
Yod, when doubled with a Dagesh, is pronounced as a Voiced Palatal Plosive (see IPA chart), somewhat like a weak ‘J’
Resh, is a Uvular Trill (see IPA chart), when doubled with Dagesh an Alveolar Trill (see IPA chart). If preceded by the Alveolar consonants Dalet, Zayin, Tet, Lamed, Nun, Samech, Sade, Seen, or Tav, or followed by Lamed, or Nun and one of them has a simple Shva, or preceded by any Alveolar consonant with Shva, Hateph Patah, or Hateph Segol it’s an Alveolar Tap or Flap (see IPA chart)
Sade is pronounced ‘S’ when it begins and ends a syllable rather than the ‘TS/TZ’ sound in the modern pronunciation of ‘matzah’, making it ‘massah’
One rule must always be obeyed: All vowels are long except for those in closed, unstressed syllables and Shva and Hateph vowels.
Hireq in an unstressed closed syllable is short /i/ as in ‘hit’. When stressed with an accent or Metheg/Gaya (see below) it’s long /i/ as in ‘machine’.
Patah in an unstressed, closed syllable is /a/ as in ‘cat’. When stressed or in an open syllable, it’s like the /o/ in ‘shower’, somewhat like the sound you make when saying ‘ahhh’ when the doctor tells you to open wide, hence the meaning of Patah in Hebrew which is ‘open’.
Qames when stressed or in an open syllable is like /aw/ in ‘saw’, but with more lip rounding; something like the /o/ vowel in the British pronunciation of ‘box’. When in an unstressed closed syllable it’s /o/ as in ‘horse’.
Shva vocal by default is pronounced like a short Patah, that is /a/ as in ‘cat’. The only exception occurring on the letter Sheen, where it’s always silent and is pronounced with no vowel like in the word ‘schmuck’. When Shva vocal is followed by any of the four guttural letters Aleph, Hey, Het and Ayin it’s pronounced as a short version of the vowel on any of those four guttural letters. So if the guttural has a Holem, the preceding Shva is pronounced like /o/ in ‘horse. If it has Tsere, it’s /e/ in ‘bed’ and so on. When Shva vocal is followed by Yod, it’s pronounced like short Hireq, /i/ as in ‘hit’. If in any of these situations Shva has Metheg/Gaya (see below), however, you pronounce it long, or as an exact equal to the vowel on the following guttural rather than the short correspondent.
Mostly all long vowels before a Shva are in closed, stressed syllables and the Shva are silent. This is marked by a vertical sign marking secondary stress called Metheg, or Gaya (see below), usually not found in most Hebrew bibles. Exceptions to Shva being silent after a long vowel is before the first of two identical consonants, in which it is vocalic. If a short vowel precedes two identical consonants, however, Shva on the first of the identical consonants is silent and the identical consonants are treated as one with a doubling Dagesh, unless with Metheg/Gaya (see below) in which case it’s vocal
Shva is silent after short vowels and only vocalic in the following: 1) The short vowel has Metheg/Gaya (see below) and the following consonant is Mem, or Nun. 2) The short vowel has Metheg/Gaya (see below) and is followed by any of the gutturals Aleph, Hey, Het and Ayin. 3) The short vowel has Metheg/Gaya (see below) and is followed by one of the so-called ‘BeGeDKeFeT’ letters without Dagesh. The short vowel is Shuruk when it represents the prefix ‘and’ and has Metheg/Gaya (see below). In all these situations the Metheg/Gaya (see below) lengthens the vowel and they’re pronounced as their long stressed, or open unstressed syllabic counterparts (see above). However, if a short vowel has Metheg/Gaya (see below) and is followed by a letter with Shva and those are separated from the stressed syllable by a vowel followed by a vocalic Shva, or Hateph vowel, Shva is silent even when occurring in the fore-mentioned situations.
When a Metheg, or Gaya is fixed to any vowel it makes it long, and you pronounce it as if stressed. This also applies to Hateph Shva vowels. So if fixed to Patah it goes from /a/ in ‘cat’ to /o/ in ‘shower’. If fixed to Qames in a closed syllable it goes from /o/ in ‘horse’ to /o/ in the British pronunciation of ‘box’. And if fixed to Kubus it goes from /u/ in ‘pull’ to /u/ in flute’ like Shuruk, and if fixed to Hireq it goes from /i/ in ‘hit’ to /i/ in ‘machine’. The only exception being Segol which retains its pronunciation quality as /e/ in ‘bed’ regardless of lengthening.
Hateph Patah is /a/ as in ‘cat’ and Hateph Qames is /o/ as in ‘horse’, unless lengthened by Metheg/Gaya in which they’re pronounced /o/ in ‘shower’ and /o/ in the British pronunciation of ‘box’.
‘The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics’ by Geoffrey Khan.
אני משועעמת … אני צופה בסרטון שמלמד את השפה שלי XD
שלום Msoaamt
גם אני חחחחח
באמת נשמע כצירוף מיקרים מוזר… לול אקס די
سهل انصحكم تتعلموها ✋🏻
السلام عليكم يا ابنا العم
The buotefoll
גם אני
גם אני=me too
שלום לכם! מבינים אותי? למדתם מלא את השפה העברית? אם אתם יודעים, אז אתם כבר יודעים מה אני כותב ו/או ממחיש לכם. בעצם… אתם לומדים את השפה שלנו במדינת ישראל, מקווה שתצליחו בשפה הזאת 🙂
זה מאוד מגניב… כי אני מישראל, יהודים או אחרים המבינים עברית ממש יודעים ומבינים מה כל פירוש או מילה! וזה באמת קורע XD
Thank you so much for posting this video!