Here is the link for the raw food retreat
Get even more raw food health videos at my member site!
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
Here is the link for the raw food retreat
Get even more raw food health videos at my member site!
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
What kind of trees ?i I love the trees
Walking weights Exercise
Wow I am walking watching
Shalom Paul
What the best time to eat ,and best time to stop eating
Nathli Wlls Best eating schedule in my opinion is one meal a day at the end of the day whenever you are just resting but don’t eat to close to when you decide to sleep. Two meals a day is great also if you are in no condition to eat once a day. 😁
Thank you so much
What time do you eat
Nathli Wlls Right after I finish my exercise around 5:00 pm
thanks for the tip about the jumping rope, I just tried it, I feel better already! God bless
I do jumping jacks now. Really gets the lymph moving!
Riding my bike to and from my work is very well for my body. My diet is healthy and I feel good. So here’s my testimony that it works!
I don’t own a TV either I gave them all away!