Check out this video. This man lost a ton of weight on a raw vegan diet.
23 thoughts on “Massive Weight Loss With The Raw Food Diet”
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Check out this video. This man lost a ton of weight on a raw vegan diet.
Lol!! Burger King ad before commercial
Mark 9:23 “And Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.”
Luke 17:6 “He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.”
praise God!!!
Fantastic STORY!!! Thank you for sharing and wholesome plant based diet is a way to go… it is amazing how compassion is practical 😀 HUG
I LOVE this guy. He is AWESOME. So positive!! Great questions and answers.
Wow amazing story very inspirational, thank u for the motivation♡♡♡
He has such a wonderful glow about him.If you’re reading this, You are an inspiration and a wonderful soul! Thanks for posting thedurianking; great interview!
320 to 268 is not 100lb but keep up the good work…
Thats 52 pounds not 100, but still thats really good!! There is a huge difference in the old picture and now. Amazing!!
Bravo for those that help to heal their life with full hopes God blesses you always thank for the info we love raw food
I think it is easy to see it was more than a 52 pound weight loss.
I think those who are concerned about the numbers given are missing the point? Have you ever messed up on your speech? May not completely clear on what you are saying? I would think probably so, we all have…..
The focus is, he is losing weight, feeling great, getting reconnected with God.
Haters need to stop hating…lol
We live in a society that really downs loving god and doing right by ourselves. Not sure why?
Kuddos to this man and all who focus on healing and happiness!!!
+Mindy Voss …Yeah, Mindy….Well said.
So awesome. You look great. Keep up the good work. Thank you for giving our Almighty God credit.
sorry cuz i know this comment is very old but have you checked out Markus rothkranz and reverend george malkmus who are great raw foodists.
so true, with what he says becos I am/was him if u want to lose weight and your blood sugar levels are all over the chart, like this guy, just eat raw veg 1st only. if u got a sugar craving at anytime, then have a fruit, but don’t make it a staple. it works.
Great story!
What a sweet guy – I wish all Christians were like that!
This is such an amazing story! Congrats Eric!
That’s powerful what Jesus has done! This is the best health/testimony I have ever heard… This is actually the only health/nutrition/testimony I have ever heard. This is a great encouragement to me! Thanks guys! God bless you and keep you healthy mentally physically and spiritually.
What a happy guy… I am with you my friend!!! Arica Chile
Thank you for the inspiration.
For those that are saying he only lost 52lb, go back to the video when he said he lost 100lb…BUT started back eating cooked food. He probably gained the 48lbs back then. When this video was made he was in the process of returning to 100% raw food again.