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14 thoughts on “Ministry and Life Update

  1. Blessings to you and your family brother paul. May the father keep you encouraged and in his will. Thank you for sharing your life and wisdom with us. Shalom.

  2. Praise GOD !! I am thanking GOD He’s Blessed you with a Good relationship, I understand cause I’ve been in that situation. I’ll continue to pray for you and your Ministry!!

  3. This video blessed me Paul! So happy for you! I agree that when we take a break and focus on YAH and become content with him as a single person he blesses us with a real relationship that honors him. I am newly remarried to a Torah abiding man and we have a baby girl on the way. Yah is an awesome GOD!

  4. Oh and Paul, please don’t make a video calling out other teachers. Too many already do that and honestly it sucks the joy out of life. Stay a positive teacher and keep blessing us with your Yah given wisdom and joy. Shalom!!!

  5. You could make a video addressing the faulty teachings without necessarily “calling anybody out” I really like how you handle disagreements among believers and how you always try to be positive and keep the peace, but I am interested to hear what you believe are incorrect teachings. I think it’s important to let people know the biblical truth. I don’t really think it’s necessary to say who taught it, just tell us what we might hear that is not accurate and why. If one person is teaching it, chances are other people might be teaching it as well and it might be a common misunderstanding or misinterpretation that needs to come out and be discussed in order to clear it up. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO, PAUL!

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