Modesty Matters

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34 thoughts on “Modesty Matters

    • MJ…Modesty is more of a heart issue than an outward issue…just like our salvation is not dependent upon our keepin’ the commands, but is a reflection of the heart change that has taken place inside. When the heart becomes modest it becomes evident on the outside…I know several women who are modest – as most would consider modesty – but are not good stewards of their bodies because they use toxic makeup and do things to hide who they really truly are as made by YHWH.

      As for coverin’ ur head bein’ the definition of modesty….no…I would not necessarily say that coverin’ ur head is what is modesty…I know a lot of women in the Jewish community who cover their heads and they truly are not modest in the least. So I think it comes down to several things…Proverbs 15:33 says – “The fear of YHWH is the discipline of wisdom, and before esteem in humility.” the word humility is actually the Hebrew word – ‘anavah, which is modesty! So when we fear YHWH and have His widom…that will come out in all we do…and before we will ever have honour and glory we must have modesty – remember it is a gentle and a quiet spirit that YAH loves and finds precious!!

    • Anamchara Ministries Video Recources In that you are right many have the look of modesty. But gentleness you speak of speaks to me .. I look into this. TKS

  1. I live in WA about 1 1/2 hours from Cle Elum, Royal City. I have a sister in law who lives in Ellensburg. YHVH used her starting to wear head covers to speak to me about covering and to make me look into Yah’s word. I have been covering (not full) for a few months now and it is a blessing.

    • Kelli, we would love to be in touch with ur sister in law…would u mind tellin’ us her name as we might even know her! 🙂

    • I wore pants for many years and Yah told me to wear skirts so I did. When I was having issues with a woman in our church I started wearing pants again. My whole attitude changed. I have since returned to only skirts and I feel much better and have a better relationship with my savior and my husband, as well as the people around me.

  2. I am sad for fat people not only that they are suffering but also because they are in sin and not doing What Creator Wills. they must eat normal amount of food healthy food.

  3. Creator Did Not Command a woman to wear head covering and men are not In authority to burden and add To Word Of Creator. men are only allowed to keep wife In Commandments Of Holy

  4. I find wearing a tunic and tallit as a reminder of ambassadorship, and I feel spiritually stronger when I wear them. I was told by one minster I look like Elijah, and another one said I look Moshe. 🙂 One guy told he should have brought locust and honey. I feel blessed when I am around ladies that embrace modesty.

  5. I find so many women that cover in church only tend to wear lots of makeup and big earrings when they cover but not the rest of the time.

  6. Its your life style to cover your hair or is commandment of the Bible? If its your life style, because you like it and you wanted its ok. But the Bible teach us different thinks.
    You must cover your head and not only your hair and this only when you prophesy and you pray because God gave your long hair to be your cover continuously in your life except when you pray and prophesy, then you must put a cover over all your head and not only cover your hair as clear says in 1 Corinthians 11:1-15.

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