4 months before passing away, loving mother of two and wife Rachel Barkey gave a speech so moving, it'll change you forever. She gave her final message about dying and our Lord before a live audience, changing so many lives. Learn more about this wonderful woman at this site
12 thoughts on “Mother Dying of Cancer Gives a Godly, Life Changing Final Sp”
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I have been thinking of the end of life and this helps a lot.
Is this for rel she doesn’t even seem sad why didn’t they catch those cancer sooner.. Tis videois weird..
Remarkable and inspiring!
very very smart she is
Same experience with my wife when she passed with bone cancer… Yeshua kept me sane as I saw Him walk her into heaven and the comfort of many others who helped me keep walking in ministry thanks for sharing Shalom Aleheim
Thank you for sharing this Brother Paul. It was inspiring. Baruch HaShem….Shalom Shalom.
Thank you, Sven3xs, for your testimony. You are adding to the number of people with a similar story of having life and health restored. I have friends who have been healed with the Oil, some literally rising from their death bed. I also have my own true story to tell of health restored at least “this” much, what it is today, just with the small amount I had to ration. Thanks again; you have blessed me. Shalom. 🙂
Sorry for your loss. Praying your heart is healing well in Yeshua. Shalom.
This is indeed true! the LORD is infact very real.
Sven3xs, did you also use conventional chemo and radiation?
For the young lady dying of cancer totally bring emotions to the surface, and you find yourself asking WHY, WHY, WHY…… it makes no sense to me.
Very heartbreaking, and sad. She is inspiring even tho her story is beyond sad.