My Heart For Street Preaching

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Music by Joseph Israel


14 thoughts on “My Heart For Street Preaching

  1. Halleluyah its here! I heard some one say a while back “I am a Jesus freak!” I thought to myself thats what I want to be. I want to walk down the steet and someone to say “Hey here comes that Yeshua girl.” or “Oh no here comes that Yeshua girl again.” 🙂 What bible translation do you use to memorize scripture while preaching? Loved it all!!! Great teaching. Thank you for the push, the encoragement, the direction. Praying for clear understanding of scripture to speak truth in boldness gentleness and love. Halleluyah!!!!!

  2. I don’t know if you will answer this but is circumcision REQUIRED? And if you don’t , you won’t be allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven?

  3. Amen we should just tell them Yeshua died for use but it is good if you know how to debate so they can come to Yeshua but yes We should first be bold speak about Yeshua

  4. It’s defenitely good to give out trackts, but what is nessesary to be written on them?
    The ones I may have from a Babtist or Adventist ect. church are not nessesarily right?
    What should I do – humbly asking you 🙏

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