Order Black Salve at this link
Last week I post a video that shows how I got rid of a skin cancer tumor using an herbal salve. The salve I used is often referred to as black salve, however not all black salves contain the same ingredients.
In this video I talk more about my experience with the salve and also give the exact instructions  how to use it safely.
Many of the questions people have asked me about the salve are answered in this video. Either directly or indirectly I replied to as many questions as I could. If you still have a question about the product, please just post your question below the video and I'll make another video with the answers.
One common question people are asking is where they can purchase the item. Here is the link to  the black salve and also the white healing salve. You can get them both at this link:
Or get the separately at the same website.
Your brother has a cyst and a drawing salve will bring it to a head so it can drain, but not sure black salve isn’t overkill for this. Try hot epsom packs first.
Sounds like a doctor mad about loosing income. Black salve and cannabis oil work to cure cancer without ANY of the nasty side effects of surgery or chemotherapy. I would suggest using Manuka honey on the hole to help it heal faster.
I haven’t seen any side effects. Just regular body healing procedures.
Yeah I’m a doctor. 9____9 LOL. No, my husband has several hard cysts on his back & wanted them removed, & the doctor told him if they’re not hurting, then just leave them alone. Because they are deeply rooted & leave holes after removal that are sometimes more painful than having the cyst itself. I’m flattered you think I’m educated-sounding enough to come off as a doctor, though. My concern for this person has nothing to do with “loosing” money, it was purely for his well-being, if that is not
BTW, fabian nararro, please make sure you video tape all the gory details when you start burning a hole into the back of your neck with this caustic goop, so everyone can enjoy watching. I’m very interested to see your demise – er, the demise of your tumor – over time.
xeokym, Doctors know everything eh? Big pharma companies never do any harm… never. Radiation is harmless and so is chemo. Aldara is the magic bullet. yeah yeah I heard all that about chemo before I had it. It almost killed me, chemically induced leukaemia they called it
how will you know where to apply it if you cant see it?like the small ones after the big one came out
well I tried it on an ugly keratosis and it did nothing, no cancer. BUT about 15mm away a reaction occurred and after about 2 weeks a cancerous growth like a wart came out through the skin. There were no previous symptoms
my grandma dedicated over half of her life to a organic, vegan, granola what ever you want to call it and she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer so ya en joy yourself
Your point? Because in the end everyone dies and there has to be a “cause” for it. This doesn’t change the fact that bloodroot works.
I work in Clinical Trials for cancer treatments and never heard of this. I’m absolutely amazed. Why is the world not screaming about this salve?
RWT Good Question. A large amount of research is funded by pharmaceutical companies so they don’t want the truth out there.
I showed my results to the Chair of the McCallum Melanoma foundation and like you she was amazed. I sent all the info and all went quiet. The head physician shut it down Same story every time.
I probably will order this salve. Thanks for the video! However I would prefer to have it in a glass box since I’m really against having stuff packed up with plastic since one never knows what poison gets out of it…. especially imagine if its 10 years in this plastic box.
I am going to make my own Black Salve from the most widely used recipe. I am going to make enough to last me for the rest of my life plus I will give some away. You do have to use it with care and follow the instructions carefully though.
Black Salve is illegal in Australia. I can’t find any information on any proper medical trials on it. Big Pharma won’t pay for them because they can’t patent it. They have lobbied the government to have it banned. They don’t want people cured. They want life long customers. That is the truth!
It seems that Black Salve works and that scares Big Pharma because there is no money in it for them.
Wilrc6. Where we live the name has been changed many times when it is sold, even “termite repellant” LOL. Ask discreetly in your local health shop for it “black salve, Cansema, Can-cell” are some of the generic names it has been known by. It’s SALE has been banned, but nobody can stop you using any herbs you want
Think you can buy it for Animals … try a health food shop TCA dont like anything there is no loot in it.
I’ve used black salve on two moles and had no reaction at all. My husband had a large melanoma cut out of his arm a few years ago. A week ago a large brown growth appeared near his old scar, so we decided to try this on it. It has gotten swollen, greenish and red around it, as if it is getting pus formation under it. It is working on this growth. We will go back to the doctor to have it looked at after it heals, but not mention our black salve experiments. Thanks for your questions/answers.
How did it go?
sparky smith yes, please update us on the results. How did it go? Have black salve did its job?
sparky smith you need to mention the black salve. It’s a Corrosive
I did it on four places and it works! WOW I have my life back! Two places on my arm, one on my leg and on my face! I’m 70 years old and it WORKS! My face was the bad place. It works!
Bob I know for sure your right as I did it myself as commented above
Bob Harley could text me the address for the black salve from Paul. Thanks
Man after doing research not sure about this wow. Thank you for the answer though :I
good video I think ingestion of activated charcoal is also very healthy removing toxins etc… Jah Bless
It works!
Thanks for plain language explanation of a biopsy (about 12 minutes in). The same explanation applies to mammography…squeezing the breast in a vice until any possible tumors are squished, possibly broken open, then photographed with radiation, which may encourage cancer if it didn’t already exist. Just my opinion, but makes sense when you look at the amount of money generated by these diagnostic practices.
Hi Paul, I used black salve years ago to remove two growths one on each shoulder. Both were gone in about ten days. Years later one came back and I ignored it till I couldn’t stand it. It hurt to touch and was bleeding at night. My black salve was dried out but I just added water and applied once, It worked better than I remembered. Second application just days ago and it’s down to two small scabs in a pink circle. I love this stuff
Is it still there
+fuzzybear7 34 maybe he’s dead. He sn’t answering
Black Salve worked on my basal cell carcinoma (shoulder) and thank you for helping spread what should be the first treatment (but was not mentioned by my dermatologist)
“pull the tumor’s or cancers or whatever through the skin”
This is a terrible pseudoscience practice!! Don’t be scammed people!!!!