42617 -Keetvay Ehmet BLESSINGS UPON kole YisraYah'ale SCATTERED AROUND the nations of The Olam! May YHWH BARAK you'll as we gather tonight for "Keetvay Truth of Torah revelation in YHWHSHUA!! A wonderful SIMPLE Teaching in a few hours that will bless you greatly in your pursuit to walk in YHWH's Truth and REVELATION of YHWHSHUA. The Title of this Teaching says it all. No MORE must be added!! Join us in a few hours for this WONDERFUL TRUTH!!
We can not SPECULATED nor DETERMINE what Torah SPEAKS on a MATTER like this one, unless we BEGIN at THE BEGINNING!! The wise person MUST SEARCH OUT the PATTERN of the CONCEPT of any given Torah STATUES……..start @ page ONE of "The Book – Torah"!
Had difficulty viewing last night. When I tuned in it said offstream. Service was too short. My humble opinion
Shalom Shalom Shalom
Thank you!