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Music by Joseph Israel


13 thoughts on “New Years Health Message

  1. Thanks for your pep talk. I’m slowing getting there. Have been doing intermittent fasting and others have noticed the weight loss. I tell you, I have more energy than the Energizer bunny.๐Ÿ˜

  2. I appreciate Paul and share with him in the prayer that we would all come to recognize breadth and depth of God’s love. We are wondrously made and to have confidence and witness the healing process is a beautiful gift. Thank you Paul in sharing your heart with us and Happy 2019!!!

  3. I cut out all sugar for January. Next month I’m going to cut out caffeine, then on my third month I’ll cut out meat. Then I’ll fast one day a week on my fourth month. Every month of 2019 I’ll find something I can cut out that’s not healthy for my body.

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