Day 1 of Cleveland, Ohio Immersions | 2014


Music Inquiries:

David Hunter:


Videography/Editing: Qdush (LaYah) || Music: David Hunter


43 thoughts on “OHIO IMMERSIONS 2014 | DAY 1

  1. Question, who are the children of Israel? Who are the Chosen of Yahuwah, is it pre-destined by a certain race? or by Repentance and Faith in The Messiah Yahushua? Is God a God that only chooses by a certain race? and the gentiles are only going to be servants to this specific predestined group,or race? What are your beliefs?

  2. Beautiful YAHUAH All Esteem! Exciting to see Myshpacha immersed in YAHUSHA Ha’Mashyach’s Name. Great video Achuty YAHUAH Baruk Yashra’al.

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