Lyrics for Only Yehovah taken from Deuteronomy 13.
This album is free to download on my site, but donations are appreciated. To download the album for free, put a "0" in the box when it asks you for a price.
As long as the terms of the license referenced below are met, please feel free to download, link to, make CDs, and re-mix the music.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
All lyrics, music, artwork, and recordings created by Jessica Kaye with lyrical assistance from Nehemia Gordon. Thank you Nehemia Gordon, Ida Blom, and John Kaye, my husband, for your help and support.
I give praise to YHWH for the ability He gives to the gift you share! May everyone know His Almighty Name