18 thoughts on “Passover Not Easter

  1. Shalom, Paul. Since you’re celebrating Passover this weekend, New Years or Abib 1 would have been almost 14 days ago, and then Feast of Unleavened Bread right after and then Feast of Firstfruits!!!! Praise our wonderful Creator for sending the Messiah! !! We are loved peoples. Be blessed & shalom family of Yah.

  2. Chag Same’ach!!! Chag Pesach Kasher Vesame’ach!!!! A Happy and Joyous New Year brother Paul … have a beautiful Passover and spring feast days … Yah Bless you and your nice little family … Shalom Shalom

    • Shalom aleichem, go to Michael roods website he also has a channel on YouTube he has accurate biblical calendar of every holy day when it’s Aviv by the Barley

  3. So if pagans since Babylon, as it moved to Egypt, and Medo Persia, Persia, Greece, Ancient Rome, Rome, have kept the same rites and rituals and just just changed the name of the gods they worship, and Easter is to celebrate Tammuz, (Ezekiel 8), and Christ Mass, December 25th his b-day, and Iesus led them to eating unclean animals, ignoring His Sabbaths, and replacing it with Sun day worship, who are they really worshiping?

  4. The goal of Passover, the rehearsal of Yeshua’s coming is a practical practice of getting sin, or leaven out of our homes.
    Easter is the practice of bringing unclean animals and unclean spirits and leaven into our homes.

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