15 thoughts on “Picking Fresh Ripe Fruit Off The Tree

  1. Yes! Oranges/lemons/ limes/ grapefruit/ tangerines In Florida and California. We use to pick wild black berries in Georgia by my dad’s pond and bananas from the banana trees by his pool.My aunt Rosie’s front yard had blueberry bushes and we would gather those. I volunteered to do wine makeing with a friend in college and ate grapes from the vine as we picked them.Were I use to go running there were huge pear trees. Id climb those and have a snack. We also have an apple tree on our patio…

  2. I have a summer cottage with a large garden here in Sweden. I have 10 apple trees, three pear trees, eight plum trees, two cherry trees, many raspberry bushes, blackberry bushes, gooseberry bushes, black and red wine berry bushes, etc. So I can eat my own apples till the end of November and I freeze a lot of the berries, so I can eat them in the winter.
    Thank you for showing your garden.

  3. I grew up in a farm in the tropics. I grew up picking cherimoyas, oranges and mangos. The good old days. Looking forward to planting some fruit trees in the future

  4. I have picked apples and plenty of other fruits and veggies from the source. When I was a child, my cousin and I would pick mulberries by the basket full in Cincinnati of all places. Haha.

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