Today is Part 2 with Dr. Coldwell. Dr. Coldwell talks about how prayer helped him understand how to cure cancer after his mom suffered and was healed.


21 thoughts on “Prayer gave me the knowledge to heal cancer by Dr. Coldwell part 2

  1. you know… that’s exactly how my mom was.. I only knew her suffering. she didn’t make it.. my whole extended family is suffering. I’ve watched too many people die. I don’t want to suffer like they did, that’s why I went raw. I’m hoping if I get better it will inspire and give hope to everyone I’m related to. By saving myself, I save many others. =^-^=

  2. Wow! fantastic testimony!!!!

    Natural mainly raw food was my answer to prayer too. For a long time I prayed to be rid of fatigue and other problems. One day whilst I was laying face down on the floor, I prayed, “Lord, why do I keep getting this fatigue?”. Instantly the answer was there in my mind, “it’s because you’ve been eating food made by man, not food made by me”!!!!!

    That started me out on a quest to learn about natural foods and how they and other foods effect our body.

    Thanks 🙂

  3. That is a truly powerful story.
    My journey started with my brother and his cancer.
    Unfortunate I nor he was knowledgeable about healing naturally.
    My brother was a street minister in his last years and when he passed away his wife said he told here he knew he was going to die for a long time.
    Just did not want anyone to know till the end.
    Even my dog Zippy has healed using whole foods and prayer.
    We just need to be a walking example for everyone. Most folks don’t want free advice.

  4. @xetaprime

    We all have free will my friend. This simple fact is missed by many Christians. If just praying was all we needed, then we wouldn’t have a brain, arms, legs, and the freedom to choose.

    It’s all about choice. If someone chooses to follow the instructions of the wrong person, they must accept the consequences.

    We are sheep among wolves and will perish due to a lack of knowledge. It’s all right there for those who have eyes to see.

  5. I’m basing my trust in raw foods in general off the fact, for the first time in my life I’m getting healthier. I can’t deny the improvements I’m seeing, feeling, and experiencing. It’s undeniable that i’ve lost weight, it’s undeniable I’ve cured my agoraphobia and daily panic attacks, it’s been 9.5 months since my last. My mind is clearer and sharper then it ever has been. My family sees I’m a happier person. Diabetes kills my family not leukemia, so there is hope for my family.

  6. hope and prayer are 2 totally different things. I’m not christian and never will be. I’m not even religious at all. I don’t even have a rawligion. The hope on my part is just wishful thinking and the knowledge that it’s possible to lead by example. If I focus on my health, maybe others will focus on theirs. the only thing I bank in is myself. also if you read your comments carefully, both start out with a complement but the over all intention is negative. I suggest getting to understand yourself

  7. have you guys traced jesus to the essenes ect, he was a health guru of his time, in essene gospels (that where banned and covered up by the roman church , jesus promotes weatgrass lol great stuff

  8. tommy chong says he reversed his cancer using rick simpsons cannibis oil, he said it on his tritter, and a friend of mine says he knows someone that is reversing his cancer with urine therapy, raw organic fruit and veg works, some say mms works, and essiac works too, well the origional recipy did, peace

  9. Where is part 3? He heaves us at a very compelling disclosure with quite a big buildup, however, its just cut off and there is no 3rd video posted! Where is it?

  10. Dr. Caldwell .. what a fantastic blessed testimony .. thank you .. great to hear that you give God the Glory.. that is why your success is so sure. Maranatha

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