I have found an amazing raw food bar that is so live it will sprout in a few days. We have some items by, Go Raw at our web store . They are all delicious.


6 thoughts on “Product Review: Really Live Raw Food Bars #472

  1. thanks paul. that’s good info to know to test if a product is really raw. thanks for impressing me that agave is not good for me. i am glad i was able to avoid it having watched your vids. thanks.

  2. Go Raw bars are great. I <3 the spirulina ones the best. My Whole Foods doesn't sell them though (they sell Go Raw products though), yet they sell every other bar...so we have to travel about 25-30 minutes away to another health food store to purchase 'em.
    I like these bars for when I'm on the go or when I'm sitting for hours at the doctors office and starving. =)

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