I have found an amazing raw food bar that is so live it will sprout in a few days. We have some items by, Go Raw at our web store . They are all delicious.
6 thoughts on “Product Review: Really Live Raw Food Bars #472”
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thanks paul. that’s good info to know to test if a product is really raw. thanks for impressing me that agave is not good for me. i am glad i was able to avoid it having watched your vids. thanks.
Wow. Thank you for such an enlightening video.
Peace and Blessings.
So when is the best time to eat those bars?
You still have the most epic beard on the planet.
@smr144 during the daylight
Go Raw bars are great. I <3 the spirulina ones the best. My Whole Foods doesn't sell them though (they sell Go Raw products though), yet they sell every other bar...so we have to travel about 25-30 minutes away to another health food store to purchase 'em.
I like these bars for when I'm on the go or when I'm sitting for hours at the doctors office and starving. =)