Order the TriField Meter at this link
The information in this video is about the TriField Meter and how it can help you save yourself from harmful Electromagnetic fields. This may be one of the most important videos you will every see!
Order the TriField Meter at this link
The information in this video is about the TriField Meter and how it can help you save yourself from harmful Electromagnetic fields. This may be one of the most important videos you will every see!
I would love to know how my implanted spinal cord stimulation device would apply to this? Obviously, it is run by the implanted battery, charged from the outside by a recharging appliance. Do you have any information about this?
Dr. Monso-great comments! Great to see you on Mr. Nison’s video. God Bless.
the best way is to get the meter and test it.
thank you for info. we’re in South Florida too, how did you go about removing your smart meter? I was under the impression it wasn’t lawful to do so. thanks
I just called the power company and told them to move it.
Is it still on your property or they just moved it far enough so it’s safe for your home? thanks!
WTF Dan never sold any Whey Protein , get your facts straight .
Surely you knew where the fuse box was Paul in relation to where the lounge was.
I use that meter too check out your car.
What are your thoughts on grounding mats or pads?
Grounding pads?…ummm….let’s ask those billions of third world folks down through the centuries.
I suggest you watch Dan’s Video in reply to Harley’s lies
orgoniteinfodotcom (.com)
Please check out this site.. Orgonite turns dead/dirty emf into possitive orgone! You will be amazed how much better you feel once you put orgonite near your smart meter, computer, etc…
get a Himalayan salt lamp!!!!!!!!!!
I know, right?
thedurianking is a charlatan. If this was the 1800s he’d be barking and hawking snake oil from the back of a wagon. This guy makes money off bullshit, and anyone putting their faith in his nonsense will suffer for it.
have heard that faulty wiring can put out strong EMFS which i’ve heard can affect people’s mental state.
Scientists have set safety standard too hi that causes the illusion of safety. But if they brought it down to where it should be we would then see how dargerously exposed we really are.
Dr. Alfonzo, can you tell me what make and model your headset is and would you recommend it?
I’d buy one but I heard they are very inaccurate
Thanks for sharing. Seems your link does’t work: “Uh Oh! It looks like you found a page that doesn’t exist.”