When you get sick do you run to the doctor? Do you take medicine and drugs to get well? Instead we should first run to our Creator in prayer to see the course of action that's best to take. In trust and faith we have to put our confidence in Our wonderful Creator.
Today's video is about Hebrews 11:1 that says, And trust is being confident of things being hoped for, proof of things not seen.
We need to understand our Creator has a plan. We must keep peace and not show anger and blame others for our sickness and diseases.
Stress adds to disease. Let's help ourselves and others stick to His plan and receive His blessings.
@tyrannynotever Yes, the sabbath was made for man to have a day of rest that he might cease from his works. Resting is beneficial to man. The benefits of the sabbath are listed in Isaiah chapters 56 and 58. God made the sabbath (seventh day) for man. If God made the seventh day for man, man cannot just move that day around as he pleases.
@tyrannynotever The Sabbath is the most talked about subject and anyone who is not keeping it on Saturday is sinning in this area. Even Messiah said keep the sabbath Holy.
@tyrannynotever Yes, His name is Yeshua.
@tyrannynotever I think it does matter. As a believer it says Saturday is the only Sabbath
@tyrannynotever Nothing in the Bible prohibits believers from meeting on any day of the week; thus, it is perfectly acceptable to meet on Sundays. However, meeting on Sundays doesn’t relieve us from our obligation to observe the sabbath, which requires us not to work or have anyone work for us. If you read Acts, you will see plenty of mention of the sabbath (Acts 13:14,27,42,44, 15:21, 16:13, 17:2, 18:4). You can observe the sabbath without meeting with others. You can rest by yourself.
@tyrannynotever Yeshua was known as the living Torah for a reason. He lived it out perfectly and taught others to do so as well. If he didn’t keep Torah he would not be who he claims to be, The Messiah.
@tyrannynotever Yes, I am a believer in Yeshua the Messiah. I am not a Jew (as far as I know) so I might be considered a Gentile. I don’t think it matters because God wants all of his children to follow the same narrow path. I was called to YHWH a couple of years ago after some serious research into the problems of this world. I don’t go to church but I study the Scriptures diligently and apply them in all aspects of my life. I observe the sabbath and the appointed times.
@tyrannynotever Additionally, I forsake all the ways of paganism; therefore, I do not celebrate Easter, Christmas, New Years, birthdays, etc. I used to celebrate all of them but ceased when called to YHWH. I also used to eat unclean meats but I don’t anymore. I was a drunk and sexually promiscuous as well but stopped my fornication and drunkenness when I realized how disgusting it was. Basically, I was made new as promised in the Scriptures. My life is very different from what it used to be.
@thedurianking the sabbath is on the 7th-day. saturnsday is only the seventh day of the roman-babylonian calendar, which is not how israel measures time. the true sabbath floats through the roman week. apostate-israel began using a fixed week quite some time ago, keeping saturday holy but it is not the true 7th-day. new moon day marks the first day of the month, 7 days later is the sabbath, seven days after that is the next sabbath, repeating until the next new moon. shalom.
@tyrannynotever Isaiah 66 says that YHWH will destroy all those who eat swines flesh and the abomination. Acts 10:9-16 didn’t tell Peter that all foods are clean; rather, Peter says, “…but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean” (Acts 10:28). The Messiah never declared all foods to be clean. Some Bibles put it in parenthesis; but, it is not part of the word. Yeshua summarized the teaching, “But to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.”
@tyrannynotever YHWH declared certain meats unclean because they are bad for our health. When Daniel refused to eat the kings meat because he knew it would defile his body, he looked healthier after 10 days than all who ate the king’s meat (Daniel 1). It is nice to hear that you have been with your wife for so many years and that you hadn’t known any other people before you were married.
insanity. are you giving no credit for the advances in medicine that have given humans the life expectancy that we enjoy today? Are you going to be liable to the deaths of people who actually listen to you?
I would rather but my trust in a doctor that MIGHT make a mistake than in a magical invisible man in the sky…
Man is taking credit for everything that god had created. The lord is a jealous God ! I agree with you brother.
i have a prayer request for stress relife and weight loss and a better closer relationship
Thank u for your insite im not Jewish but when i Iisten to u the HoIy Spirit confirms that we are of Iike minds and i reaIIy enjoy hearing a Jewish person that knows God the Father and his Son Jesus aIso kn0wn as Yahshua PersonaI i became a Christian in my earIiy twenties and went to church on Sunday but stiII God was in me We are under a new Covenent and not the Law Jesus said we need to Iove the Lord your God with aII ur Heart and your neihbor as urseIf when we do this we 0bey Gods Law
as a Muslim i believe it doesn’t matter what day , God is there at everyplace at every time , great advice in the video you by the way
Awesome thankyou for sharing that
Man,. Iv been Dr twice this week. Man I got shingles in my throat. Can’t eat much. Pray it go away. They say I can go blind. Pray me please y’all.