14 thoughts on “Raw Food Recipes: Raw Pizza and more

  1. I make a beeline for this restaurant every time I go to Dallas! I’ve had their Coconut Curry Soup, California Pizza, Cowboy Rawko Tacos and Chocolate Brownies! Absolutely delicious! I’ll definitely have to try the Enchiladas next time!

  2. The food here looks amazing. Can’t wait to get back to the Dallas area.
    Where I grew up we had Seventh Day Adventists for neighbors. They were the nicest folks and made wonderful Vegetarian Food.

    This was back in the 70’s when vegan and raw food was not really known.
    A little bible study and good meal is a great evening.
    Daylight Diet is starting to work for me I am done eating at latest 6 PM now. My goal this month is 5PM latest. Sunday last meal was 3:30 PM.

  3. People live to be over 100 – and they eat meat, cooked foods AND have a quality life.

    All this raw stuff is just another brand of self righteousness which really comes from an insecurity when people have to say ‘this’ is the only way.

    I’m all for raw foods AND cooked foods and eating just about anything. And iff the plane crashes ? Hey I’m in LINE for Mrs. Henderson’s right upper thigh.

  4. Paul don’t be deceive seven day adventes or how ever you spell it is a cult yes we should keep sabbath but they take scripture out of contexted and try to say its the mark of the crappy beast witch is a lie and will make people take the real mark of the beastcause they think its not the real one cause they believe its sunday worship in stayed yes sun worship is pagan but you can still buy and sell so it can’t be it follow Yeshua and His Father Word not man

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