I travel all over the world in search for healthy raw foods and other healthy snacks. To my joyful surprise, at my local farmers market I found a new raw food stand selling amazing raw food cookies and almond cheese.


5 thoughts on “Raw Food Stand at Farmers Market in West Palm Beach, FL

  1. I love raw food markets, and organic farmers markets. Great video. I am sooo inspired. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this. Love you very much. Wishing you and all your family love and blessings. Jadu

  2. I’m in boca Raton and new to raw food! I would love to hear more about local raw food places around. I also would love to know if you knew of a good local raw cooking class! Thank you so much! I love your channel I have learned so much!!

  3. Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that this was filmed at the Green Market in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. It’s every Sunday from 8 to 1pm. If you cannot get to the market, contact us and we can make arrangements to get you Chunkie Dunkie Cookies and Almond Ricotta Cheeze. Yum! 🙂

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