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Music by Joseph Israel


16 thoughts on “Raw Vegan Collard Wraps

  1. that does look very nutritious and tasty, i say, and rotten walmart, which is famous for coming into small towns and forcing mom and pop grocery stores to close, never has awesome nuts like the ones you displayed this time of year up hear in illinois, as they do seem to be available in the winter months, and looks like you got those from a health food store. yes, there was a great small grocery store here in dixon illinois which closed cause all the customers went to the walmart side of town and they always had great nuts and other items in bulk……nice video paul…..!

  2. Sir, I am Male, Suffering from IGA Nephropathy, psoriasis and irritable bowel Desease. Kidney are in Normal function but protein passes in urine. Doctor said my deseases are autoimmune. Please Suggest and help.

  3. sir. try make salad with peanut sauce.
    I often make it but peanut I use already roasted processed by the company i buy.
    I blender the peanut until become pesto like. then combined with sweet soy sauce, lemon juice, palm sugar, and tamarin add a bit extra virgin olive oil to make it bit oily. then use it for salad dressing.
    I use variety of greens and peas, plus fruit like pineapple and slice carrots.

    taste is unbelievable and make our digest very active.

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