Today is part 2 of Doug Graham and Jordan Rubin each talking about what diet they have seen to have the best results. Vegan or non-vegan. Enjoy.


20 thoughts on “Raw vegan diet vs. Non-vegan diet, Jordan Rubin and Doug Graham part 2 of 2

  1. l’m doing natural therapy and it really works well!!
    i’m in full remmission without meds over 15months. (after i started nishi therapy)
    i’m doing 2 therapies “gerson therapy” and ” nishi therapy”

    low eating, short period of fasting, drinking apple-carriot juice, coffee enema, vegan ect…

    detox and high quality nutrition (not quantity)// these 2 factors are most emphasized in these therapies.
    i tried raw vegan diet a few months ago, it was helpful.

  2. just changing diet is not much helpful.
    before that we have to detox. and low eating is really important too.
    i have not eaten meat, milk, egg over 15months, but i’m much stronger than before. and my weight is ok.

    and i know some people living with only vegetable juice , water and natural salt.
    they live with under 800 kcalories a day. their weight is normal, not skinny.
    they are really healthy and they 0vercame cancer or chronic diseases by that way.

  3. even though, people eat raw vegan diet.
    if they took too much foods, it is noting but poison.
    too many fruits and vegetables hurt stomach, intestine…. , we can’t digest them.
    so we have to eat them as juice.
    and the amount of foods must be limited.

    and natural salt is imporant too. natural salt is totally different from “Nacl”
    when i started gerson therapy in perfect way, i was very tired, lost weight and power. but after intaking proper amount of natural salt, i became good.

  4. Hello, have you considered “Belly Fat Quencher” (just do a Google search for it…)? On their website you will find a useful free video. This made it easier for Heather to reduce her stomach fat. Hopefully it will work for you as well…

  5. What a dumb comment 😀 You just killed me.. So why so many of us, just cant kill an animal with our own hands, and dont enjoy killing them? If we are designed to eat them, we should love killing them, and eating them like ex. the lion does, do you enjoy the smell of a dead cow?

  6. It still didnt answered my questions..
    Some ppl are using brain, to kill and eat an human, that means we are cannibals? Im trying to speak about facts, and you talk about god, brainless fanatic. If you have a brain, why are you not using it? Bible over logic, very nice. Dont make sense speak with fanatics, dont answer.

  7. Exactly! And our intestinal tract is is much longer (similar to monkeys, and other primates) that better digests plants. Carnivorous animals tend to have much shorter intestines.

  8. My family laughed when I told them I was going to burn up fat with Nifty Fat Blaster, but then I showed them the results. Go google Nifty Fat Blaster to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

  9. Veggies have plenty of protein. A banana has 1.3 grams. One date has 3.6 grams. A man needs 56 grams of protein per day. If you record all of you veggies and fruits you eat per day, you’ll see that you get plenty and sometimes more than what you need. You go ahead and eat your meat. You’re more likely to get cancer too. Knock yourself out.

  10. really the dairy debate isint. haha dairy SUCKS. would you suckle the teat of a cow or goat. Probably not i hope. dairy is pus! NOT liquid grass hahahaha. milk equals mucus. meat and dairy are sooo much harder to digest for the whole body especially the pancreas. I saw a new study the other day from three seperate sources that showed how any animal based product consumption has been linked to cancers of the pancreas and prostate. cooking food in general kills it. Raws the way

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