The Book of Genesis Ch. 12-50 explained with illustrations

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This video explores the main ideas and flow of thought of Genesis Chapters 12-50.

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About the author:

Tim Mackie is a Pastor of Door of Hope church and a Professor at Western Seminary –


41 thoughts on “Read Scripture: Genesis Ch. 12-50

  1. Wow guys, this is an extremely nice channel. Very well made and very plausible explained. Thanks from Germany and God bless you.
    Keep doing the good works!

  2. The most glorious prophetic OT picture of Jesus’ sacrificial death is portrayed in Isaac, but the video barely mentioned him & didn’t say anything about his life. Otherwise, a very good & helpful summary.

    • Lee E I was watching for that. In their video on Romans 1-4, they summarize the end of chapter 1 as “harmful lifestyles” or something like that. Paul actually said that God gives them up to their sin, leading to vulgar sexuality.

      But then again, here they also leave out Melchizedek, so perhaps that’s just a consequence of having 8 minutes to summarize 40 chapters.

  3. The promise of the Seed of the Woman is even more profound when you consider that women don’t have seed (ie sperm). This was a prophecy of the virgin birth.

    • That’s incorrect … the “seed” does refer to the “seed” or the lineage that would result through Seth out of Adam leading to the twelve tribes of Jacob, who are the NEGRO people who were scattered according to prophecy.

      The spirit of “antichrist” (4th beast, Esau’s children) has taught the world that the Savior didn’t come through the flesh. Matt. 1:16 reveals that Christ is OF Joseph. It’s evident the Savior “sprang” out of Judah; this was also through the throne lineage which was through Solomon, leading to Joseph, not Mary.

      The problem is that those who say they are the jews, but are not, yet do lie, confused what the process of marriage looks like and is. This is why there’s no understanding of the birth of Christ and all things have been subjected to a lie.

      Rev. 2:I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them WHICH SAY THEY ARE JEWS, BUT ARE NOT, BUT ARE THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.

      Rev. 3:9 (Spoken to Christ’s nation who are presently suffering the aftermath of the curses of Deuteronomy 28) 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, WHICH SAY THAT THEY ARE JEWS, BUT ARE NOT, BUT DO LIE; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

      The whole world lies in the cradle of the “Wicked”, that same “Wicked” that replaced the image of the Savior for their own. The same “Wicked” that took the Negro Bible and turned it into a strong delusion. The same “Wicked” that’s falsely depicted in these images, because of world wide deception.

    • The Savior had both a earthly father and mother. He was “of” Joseph the “husband” of Mary according to the flesh. He was from the king line of David through Solomon, which is Joseph, and not Nathan, which is Mary.

      Anyone who believes that Christ didn’t come in the flesh is of the Antichrist (beast mindset). In order to understand what took place, you’d have to have good understanding of ancient Israelite culture and marital practices. Joseph and Mary consummated the marriage, through physical union without the ceremony initially is what it basically boils down to.

  4. May I suggest you guys do a theme on Joseph as he is a direct representation of Christ death, burial and resurrection. His brothers (Israel) rejected Him but that rejection blessed everybody! 😄

  5. I don’t understand why God gave man a chose, coz of that man did chose to disobey & then sin. Thus so much evil in this wicked world. All coz of disobedience.

  6. Jacob means supplanter not deceiver from the Hebrew meaning kindly edit when you have time and rest is excellent God bless you

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