The book of Jeremiah explained with illustrations
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This video explores the main ideas and flow of thought of the book of Jeremiah.
The Bible Project is a non-profit creating animated videos that explain the narrative of the Bible. These videos are free to use for personal and educational purposes. Download a full resolution version of this video along with a study guide at
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About the author:
Tim Mackie is a Pastor of Door of Hope church and a Professor at Western Seminary –
This is the same video ain’t it ??
What happened, why a reupload?
+Mi Les I don’t know maybe they took it down on accident
We fixed a minor VO error
The Bible Project sir why isnt the book of tobit in it?
This is a great channel. Awesome job, guys. Keep up the good work!
dyi follow flyingaxblade
I would totally buy the end infographic if poster versions would be sold!
Benita Lim me too😊
Benita Lim You can download them for free from their website, or buy printed versions
Benita Lim they do sell posters , and give the free PDF … check their website
love your videos! The only thing I’m skeptical about is your subtle hints of social justice or social injustice. But this has inspired me to read the scriptures in detail to find out if what you’re saying is true. God bless you!
In what way? It may be redundant, but I’m not sure how it dilutes it?
Kirsty McAllister Because Justice is a virtue that is complete in and of itself. There’s no need to add any descriptors to it. The term “social justice” was invented by marxists and is propagated by people who tend to hate or at least demonize the wealthy. Back when the Bible was written the term “social justice” would have been completely absurd. There was simply Justice.
You add adjectives to qualify things. Justice can be applied in different realms. In order to talk about justice between groups of people like between “Widows and strangers” and “leaders and Princes” for example we call it social justice to differentiate it from things like “criminal justice” that would more so be Justice in how we deal with crimes. Social Justice is really Justice applied to relationships between social groups like “orphans” or “priests” etc etc..
Take heed brother this is all true read with an open heart and mind. Jesus is near, Justice is near! “Social Justice” is treating everyone equal, with the love that God has commanded his people. We all must be aware and a do what we’ve been called. Bless you!
Ivy Primrose Thank you for the encouraging words! I hear you! I just don’t understand why you need to add a quantifier to the word justice. Justice is an attribute of God in and of its own. it’s all encompassing in its own right and doesn’t need subcategories. God bless!
What of Ebedmelech?
thank you guys so much for this….GOD BLESS
What Bible translation did you use? I could not find one upominanie Israel Jeremiah 1:10
between the brick testament and this I think I can finally figure out this bible business . Bach and Handel made it too confusing
muitíssimo obrigado para o irmão que está fazendo as legendas em português..
This just helped me this morning to at least see the UA as a possible Babylon figure and also that we are in the range of the 70 years (one generation) in todays history – 1948-2018.
I listen to your work on the books often, it helps with my studies. I did wonder why you kept saying he was called to warn “Israel” – should it be better understood to say “Judah” since Jeremiah prophesied to the southern kingdom, that being Judah? Although called to the nations?
and sadly his wOrDs 0:28
Thank you! We’re studying a small section from Jeremiah and this is perfect for giving an overview of what the whole book is about, to put things in context. Succinct, easy to understand and visual. 🙂
I’ve had many prophets come to me and prophesy that I am like Jeremiah, that god has planned my destiny for me before I was in my mothers womb. Its sort of scary because I’ve have many pastors tell me the same verse from the book of Jeremiah and tell me the same message. I don’t know what to do. I’m not perfect, how can I be a vessel for him?? Apart from that, God told Jeremiah what to do… but what do I do?
The reformers found metaphorical Babylon to be a metaphor for ‘false religion’. ..rather than the “rebellious nations” as you described it.
Esther ,Samson even Micah and Hosea
This is awesome!
now i understand Christ’s words about “take the cup away”.
My God My saviour He ransom me