The second half of the Book of Romans explained with illustrations
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This video explores the main ideas and flow of thought through the second half of the Book of Romans.

The Bible Project is a non-profit creating animated videos that explain the narrative of the Bible. These videos are free to use for personal and educational purposes. Download a full resolution version of this video along with a study guide at

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About the author:

Tim Mackie is a Pastor of Door of Hope church and a Professor at Western Seminary –


30 thoughts on “Read Scripture: Romans Ch. 5-16

  1. We released the Romans videos in the Read Scripture series 1.5yrs ago as a pilot. Our Jedi skills have grown since then, so we decided to redo them! Can you spot the differences in the new version?

  2. I cannot believe how beautiful this is. I started watching Genesis and I’m here now. The perspective you gave has enlightened me to how much G-d truly loves, how merciful and compassionate He is and how those emotions interweave into the path of my life. He truly wants greater for me. I so enjoy these videos! Ty so much. Im
    Also learning truth and many things i was taught was incorrect. Which surprised me. Ty for these

  3. The Church Fathers did not view Baptism and the Eucharist (breaking of the bread) as mere “symbols” and rightly and biblically speaking they are indeed more than just mere symbols. But as a whole I find your videos informative and fun to watch. I was hoping for a modern take or retelling of Bible stories/books and you guys did a wonderful job esp on the Gospels. And yeah, the Bible is not just a book, its a LIBRARY 🙂 I am a Catholic by the way! God bless you always

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