The Book of 1 Corinthians explained with illustrations
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This video explores the main ideas and flow of thought of the letter to the Corinthians.

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About the author:

Tim Mackie is a Pastor of Door of Hope church and a Professor at Western Seminary –


34 thoughts on “Read Scripture Series: Paul’s 1st Letter to the Corinthians

  1. I’m an agnostic theist and I avoided reading the bible for so long as I fear that I may just completely abandon faith altogether when I read things I don’t understand *ahem* Leviticus and Deuteronomy*ahem*… your channel is a great start to learn Christianity. I find that the problems dealt with in Corinthians are the same problems the church is still having today.

    • +++ emerlander Οbviously the all knowing, omnipotent god is not restricted he is not obligated to kill the innocent infants and animals alongside with the sinful adults. It was the hatred that was driving god, God killed infants because HE hatred the parents. What a divine love and justice, what a … forgiveness. What a great inspiration and ethic standard to follow… IF you are wicked and immoral coward, ready to do ANYTHING, to accept any crime, anticipating heavenly rewards for treading your ethics and intellect .Poor thing , don’t be so terrorized the void is awaiting you anyhow,at least have some dignity.After all you are human..
      Υοur spiteful ethics is as subjective as my .There is a huge diferece ,you ,unlike me , accept and condone infant killings and other hideous acts of cruelty. A favorite argument of the religious is that you can’t have objective morality without a god. And they are right. What they don’t realise, though, is that you also can’t have an objective morality with a god. After all, plumping for “God’s opinion” instead of human opinion is equally subjective. Who says that God’s opinion about morality is better than Satan’s opinion? The answer that God says that God’s opinion is better is simply circular. The answer “might makes right” is a non sequitur, as is the unsubstantiated claim that being the creator conveys rights to dictate morality. The traditional response would be to argue that God’s nature is good, which is an appeal to some supra-God objective standard of goodness against which to measure God’s nature. Of course this begs the whole question as to what this objective standard is and where it came from, and so doesn’t begin to actually establish objective morality. And if there were this supra-God objective standard then we wouldn’t need God. Theologians have got nowhere is addressing these problems in the thousands of years since Plato pointed them out………

    • +++ emerlander Do you think that God should be accepted.. Blindly, no mater what, just because of his power or because he is righteous and fair? If you don’t judge-evaluate gods deeds and commandments, then how can you tell if you worship god or EVIL in disguise? I guess ιt was somehow… Distressful for the omnipotent God to HAVE TO KILL his own son. I wonder why the almighty God has not chosen any less cruel solution. THE god seems to be forced to kill his son, otherwise HE WASN’T ABLE TO SAVE US.’I wonder WHO can present such a dillemα to god?? ”’You are going to torture and kill your sοn, otherwise the sinners will not be saved..”
      When somebody is sacrificing, he is always sacrificing to the Higher Power. In order to please this Power. When god sacrifices his son, he sacrifices to whom??? Sacrificed to whom?? SACRIFICED TO WHOM???Jesus was sacrificed FOR human sake ,that i understand.but he was sacrificed TO whom??WHO was demanding jesus sacrifice as prerequisite for forgivness??
      2 Do you think it is morally valid that innocent being suffer torture and death for sins done by OTHERS? Wasn’t God able to resolve this problem without any suffering and death? What can be an obstacle to god?
      Proverbs 21:3 ESV “To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”‘
      3 If God accepts righteousness and justice WHY he don’t resolve the sin “problem” by justice and righteousness instead he choice sacrifice?The Christian understanding of justice is weird at least.
      ANSWER THAT …..

    • “wicked and immoral”
      You sure love to throw around accusations without giving a reason, huh. What is wicket? What is immoral? Something becomes wicked and immoral because you say so?

      You say there’s only subjective (and obviously man-made) morality then you say your subjective morality is better than mine. Dude, if both of our moral principles are subjective then on what basis do you say one is better than the other? Is it because I “accept and condone infant killings and other hideous acts of cruelty”? Again, if we all came about because of evolution then isn’t it something that’s been going on since the beginning? Why would it become wrong all of a sudden?
      In my case, I believe God commanded it and I believe He would have had a reasonable reason for it. So I don’t say it’s wrong. Why do you say it’s wrong? You don’t believe in God. Evolutionarily speaking, what’s wrong in killings? All animals kill violently and kill baby animals of their and other species. Some humans do that too. It’s been happening for millions of years. All of a sudden it’s immoral because Nick says so? Regardless of whether humans were created by God or humans just evolved, the killings I accept are not wrong.

      “A favorite argument of the religious is that you can’t have objective morality without a god. And they are right. What they don’t realise, though, is that you also can’t have an objective morality with a god.”

      Of course. I’m not advocating some objective morality that exists independent of God. There’s no such thing. The only thing I’m advocating is God’s morality. God has always existed. He has a character. And He has made laws (morality) based on His character. Everything will go great if we follow His laws. Before humans acted against His laws there was no death or suffering on Earth. The world is going through all this only after the entry of sin.

      “Who says that God’s opinion about morality is better than Satan’s opinion?”

      Who wouldn’t like to live in Eden or heaven? No evil. Only love. You get all that with God’s morality. You get murder, stealing, selfishness, gossiping, backstabbing, etc. with Satan’s morality. Obviously it’s better for everyone to live according to God’s morality. If you say, well, what’s wrong with selfishness, gossiping and backstabbing? Well, Satan has to create his own universe and live like that. There’s no room for that in God’s universe. He is the maker. He sets the rules.

      “The answer ‘might makes right’ is a non sequitur, as is the unsubstantiated claim that being the creator conveys rights to dictate morality.”

      What makes you say it doesn’t? Is there a rule that says God can’t set down rules on morality? Creators are the ones who set down rules. If I create a game, I set down the rules. If I start a company I set down the rules. Creators always set down the rules. They don’t need anyone’s permission. Can you imagine God creating a universe with people and then go, “All right, I hate things like murder, robbery, etc. but I don’t wanna force you to live my way. So if you want, you can go ahead and murder each other.” God created this universe. It’s His. Thankfully for us, He’s a loving God so we can expect a happy life with Him.

      I read the article you’ve shared with the link. What point are you making with it?

      You’ve asked some theological questions in the second comment. Mainly about the need for sacrifice. I will answer that but not before we settle this morality issue first. No point jumping from topic to topic. We’ll settle the morality thing first and then we’ll go to the sacrifice issue.

    • + emerlander “”It is generally agreed that whatever God wills is good and just. But there remains the question whether it is good and just because God wills it or whether God wills it because it is good and just; in other words, whether justice and goodness are arbitrary or whether they belong to the necessary and eternal truths about the nature of things.”’Gottfried Leibniz

      2.No reasons for morality: If there is no moral standard other than God’s will, then God’s commands are arbitrary (i.e., based on pure whimsy or caprice). This would mean that morality is ultimately not based on reasons
      3.No reasons for God: This arbitrariness would also jeopardize God’s status as a wise and rational being, one who always acts on good reasons. As Leibniz writes: “Where will be his justice and his wisdom if he has only a certain despotic power, if arbitrary will takes the place of reasonableness, and if in accord with the definition of tyrants, justice consists in that which is pleasing to the most powerful? Besides it seems that every act of willing supposes some reason for the willing and this reason, of course, must precede the act.”
      4.Anything goes: This arbitrariness would also mean that anything could become good, and anything could become bad, merely upon God’s command. Thus if God commanded us “to gratuitously inflict pain on each other” or to engage in “cruelty for its own sake” or to hold an “annual sacrifice of randomly selected ten-year-olds in a particularly gruesome ritual that involves excruciating and prolonged suffering for its victims”, then we would be morally obligated to do so. As 17th-century philosopher Ralph Cudworth put it: “nothing can be imagined so grossly wicked, or so foully unjust or dishonest, but if it were supposed to be commanded by this omnipotent Deity, must needs upon that hypothesis forthwith become holy, just, and righteous.”
      5 Just because he can do whatever he wants, he is more responsible and morally obligated to do THE RIGHT THING Do you think that God should be accepted.. Blindly, no mater what, just because of his power or because he is righteous and fair?If you don’t judge-evaluate gods deeds and commandments,then how can you tell if you worship god or EVIL in disguise?
      6. You accept, condone and justify the killing of infants. According to your infants and donkeys and camels …are sinners that can be put to death. Obviously your faith has helped you to become a…”’ better person”’. So loving. So witty, so humane, that you can kill an infant.
      The sad thing is that instead to be ashamed for such a savage, barbaric morality. You arrogantly show off your wickedness. Under the protection of religion all kinds of lunatics become ”respectful citizens.” You are monster no better than islamic freaks that bucher ”infidels” and .. ”Sinners”’
      WAKE UP

    • @Citi Paul’s letters were written on various occasions to address real world issues and questions various churches he started/knew had. His letters almost always include personal greetings, travel plans, prayers, and personal updates. Because, his letters were personal correspondence. Often Paul was writing in response to a letter sent to him first. We sadly don’t have the letters that prompted him to write back but we do thankfully have his letters. There is a lot of argument about the dates he likely wrote his letters but a general range would be from A.D. 49 to around A.D. 66. Give or take. His earliest letters would have been written to either the Thessalonicans or Galatians around roughly A.D. 49. About 20 years, more or less, after The Resurrection of Jesus.

    • +aldridgejay thank you! People always claim that Paul’s letters are the best known source for proving that Jesus actually existed and wasn’t just a myth. I’m still on the fence about it. So naturally, I want to know more about those letters and there dates. So thank you!

    • No problem! Most of what I wrote is gathered from the New Testament itself. So it’s not like the first followers of Jesus were hiding anything. We can be sure that Paul himself most certainly believed in a literal historical and resurrected Jesus. We’ve gotta work that out for ourselves personally. Good on you for processing through this.

    • +aldridgejay yeah you see that’s the part I’m struggling with. If Paul had just claimed to know a normal human named Jesus I would be in, but he has to bring up miracle’s and resurrection so I’m like huh! Weird!

  2. Love this but I have one question! What about the part concerning head coverings? It was pretty brief so I understand why you didn’t mention it but would you be able to clear that up for me? Thanks 🙂

  3. You know I’ve been watching these videos one by one after reading each book of the bible and I’ll admit that they are very interesting and in some cases even helpful in interpreting the bible. There have been parts where I might not have fully understood but you guys helped clarify. So for this, I say thank you to you all, for making such an awesome channel and such beautiful videos, you really are making an impact by helping spread the teachings of Jesus through the bible. God Bless you all!

  4. Great job brothers!! these resources makes easier my bible study , i love your app too , than you very much !! sorry about my english I speak spanish cause im from México, Blessings to all !!

  5. If it wasn’t for Jesus, the result of sin would be destruction and death, something like the horrific Assyrian or Babylonian invasion in the Old Testament after which there was only desolation and dead bodies and slavery left, but no more, the people who sin can now repent and be born again, they are not condemned to a terrible destiny any longer and Jesus was God’s briliant solution . God’s merciful and good, but don’t take advantage of it, thinking the same thing like the people mentioned in this video “Jesus redeemed me, I can sin freely”, no, instead use that kindness as a second chance opportunity (Jesus’ sacrifice and your faith redeems you)and sin no more.

  6. I hope someone will read this comment. On when they got to the gathering 11-14. I feel strongly this needs to be address to everyone who read this comment.  Paul said this clearly in 14:1 “You should seek after, and you should truly want to have the spiritual gifts, ESPECIALLY the gift of prophecy” NCV.If you read the whole chapter of 14, you notice Paul really hammering on this gift (Prophecy). Why? Cause Prophecy is for EVERYONE. Not just priest, preacher, or anything class name but everyone!He says it again in verse 5 “I wish ‘ALL’ of you had the gift of speaking in different kinds of languages, but more I wish you would prophesy”Even stress this to nonbelievers on verse 22. But remember this. Chapter 14 is counting on Chapter 13, especially on verse 2 and 3. “Without love I am ‘NOTHING.’ “I pray to everyone who reads will fully understand and have an enriching and excel their experience and relationship with God and spread this to other and we all Prophesies together.”

  7. ++ emerlander “”It is generally agreed that whatever God wills is good and just. But there remains the question whether it is good and just because God wills it or whether God wills it because it is good and just; in other words, whether justice and goodness are arbitrary or whether they belong to the necessary and eternal truths about the nature of things.”’Gottfried Leibniz

    2.No reasons for morality: If there is no moral standard other than God’s will, then God’s commands are arbitrary (i.e., based on pure whimsy or caprice). This would mean that morality is ultimately not based on reasons
    3.No reasons for God: This arbitrariness would also jeopardize God’s status as a wise and rational being, one who always acts on good reasons. As Leibniz writes: “Where will be his justice and his wisdom if he has only a certain despotic power, if arbitrary will takes the place of reasonableness, and if in accord with the definition of tyrants, justice consists in that which is pleasing to the most powerful? Besides it seems that every act of willing supposes some reason for the willing and this reason, of course, must precede the act.”
    4.Anything goes: This arbitrariness would also mean that anything could become good, and anything could become bad, merely upon God’s command. Thus if God commanded us “to gratuitously inflict pain on each other” or to engage in “cruelty for its own sake” or to hold an “annual sacrifice of randomly selected ten-year-olds in a particularly gruesome ritual that involves excruciating and prolonged suffering for its victims”, then we would be morally obligated to do so. As 17th-century philosopher Ralph Cudworth put it: “nothing can be imagined so grossly wicked, or so foully unjust or dishonest, but if it were supposed to be commanded by this omnipotent Deity, must needs upon that hypothesis forthwith become holy, just, and righteous.”
    5 Just because he can do whatever he wants, he is more responsible and morally obligated to do THE RIGHT THING Do you think that God should be accepted.. Blindly, no mater what, just because of his power or because he is righteous and fair?If you don’t judge-evaluate gods deeds and commandments,then how can you tell if you worship god or EVIL in disguise?
    6. You accept, condone and justify the killing of infants. According to your infants and donkeys and camels …are sinners that can be put to death. Obviously your faith has helped you to become a…”’ better person”’. So loving. So witty, so humane, that you can kill an infant.
    The sad thing is that instead to be ashamed for such a savage, barbaric morality. You arrogantly show off your wickedness. Under the protection of religion all kinds of lunatics become ”respectful citizens.” You are monster no better than islamic freaks that bucher ”infidels” and .. ”Sinners”’

  8. +++ emerlander Do you think that God should be accepted.. Blindly, no mater what, just because of his power or because he is righteous and fair? If you don’t judge-evaluate gods deeds and commandments, then how can you tell if you worship god or EVIL in disguise? I guess ιt was somehow… Distressful for the omnipotent God to HAVE TO KILL his own son. I wonder why the almighty God has not chosen any less cruel solution. THE god seems to be forced to kill his son, otherwise HE WASN’T ABLE TO SAVE US.’I wonder WHO can present such a dillemα to god?? ”’You are going to torture and kill your sοn, otherwise the sinners will not be saved..”
    When somebody is sacrificing, he is always sacrificing to the Higher Power. In order to please this Power. When god sacrifices his son, he sacrifices to whom??? Sacrificed to whom?? SACRIFICED TO WHOM???Jesus was sacrificed FOR human sake ,that i understand.but he was sacrificed TO whom??WHO was demanding jesus sacrifice as prerequisite for forgivness??
    2 Do you think it is morally valid that innocent being suffer torture and death for sins done by OTHERS? Wasn’t God able to resolve this problem without any suffering and death? What can be an obstacle to god?
    Proverbs 21:3 ESV “To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”‘
    3 If God accepts righteousness and justice WHY he don’t resolve the sin “problem” by justice and righteousness instead he choice sacrifice?The Christian understanding of justice is weird at least.

  9. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz … Gottfried Leibniz was a great polymath who knew almost everything that could be known at the time … Interesting Facts about Numbers 0 …

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