You can get the Black Salve at this link,
it is called "Black Herbal Ointment.
Today's video is clips of how I used an herbal salve to remove a mole I had on my face since I was a baby. You can get the Black Salve at this link,
it is called "Black Herbal Ointment.
I also suggest you get the Salve
it is called Country Comfort Golden Seal-Myrrh Herbal Savvy ~ 2 oz
You want to apply it after you take off the black salve.
Why don’t you say “keepin it moist’ one more time.
Lol. Exactly
Because ideas don’t understand that you have to keep the area moist
I think he kept it moist…
lmfao lol i sneazed and thought it was a buga !! and it left a crater lol
hey bro i like your beard at that length..
Very fascinating and informative. I am going to go puke now.
“Gets the virus out of the body”… Is that even physically possible
I pulled the bandage off my right hand, and the wart has apparently died, in just one day.
I will mail it to you, if you like, as evidence.
No bullshit.
And if that’s all it’s worth – then Black Salve knocks warts dead in a day.
Today I also started a mole on my back – a rather loose and tall mole just above my belt line, that has been annoying me.
You ask for clinical tests, and I have 4 spots on me this very moment.
Since you claim this is “garbage” – – what do you think is going on with me right now ??
I saw that video – very unfortunate.
However, she did it wrong.
C-Herb is $20 a gram. You get a tiny vial.
I have treated 10 spots and still have some of this gram left.
You are to treat ONE spot at a time.
I estimate she used 15 grams on her nose, and 15 or more on her forehead.
So it’s a valid criticism to not apply so much irritant and Zinc Chloride to your skin.
-link for more info-
Sooooo….. Should i keep it moist?
When using black salve the area it’s on should always be moist
Queen Giitara Moist? How & with what? I noticed in the video he mentioned something about Vitamin E. Not sure if that’s a cream or an oil. Thanks
Every single day from the time I wipe off the salve till the area has healed I at least put on aloe gel on the area once a day or twice if I remember …it’s so the area has less chance of scarring …if you know you get scars easily then you put the gel on more then once a day and keep it covered with a bandage so it doesn’t dry
Queen Giitara Thanks
The Raw Life Health Show hi I bought the black salve and I put it on once and now half of it is white, I was wondering if I only needed to put it on that once or do I need to put on the black salve every night?
Hey everybody, I had a mole and I poured acid on it so now it’s a scar instead! Amazing herpaderp!
I was told to never use any lotions, creams/ointments on it and to keep it dry. Not sure which method is best.
All right everybody, the camera work SUCKS
why did you have FUNGUS in your beard?
He clearly said fungus.
Lack of personal hygiene would be my guess.
beards actually hold lots of bacteria and fungus.. theyre nasty. His is nastier.. Dude got spiders crawling out of it.
Its the same thing that causes dandruff in your head hair and it spreads there. Don’t judge so much. He could have treated it with dandruff shampoo anyway.
was a mole
haha, “booga”.
Funny accent
oh, uhm where does the idea that salve only attacks problem skin? It is very corrosive, completely unregulated, and potentially very dangerous.
Anyways, the point is that black salve will eat into any part of your skin, damaged or healthy.
Ughhh so tired of all you nay sayers after 1000’s of people posts vids about the awesome natural healing abilities of herbs!
The Wandering Homesteader and after thousands end up dying because they deny scientific truth. Vaccines cause autism and gays caused hurricanes, right?
+Michael Low Actually, Vaccines DO cause autism as well as a Virage of additional diseases and disorders…to include death. Gay means happy you inconsiderate bastard. However, Queers do not cause hurricanes, this is simply weather caused by heat, this is why we have hurricanes only during the warm seasons…duh. And while you are at it, to increase your poor level of intelligence, you should research up on the imminent pole shift. Anything else I can answer for your small brain?
+The Wandering Homesteader ACTUALLY, no. The Wakefield study (the only evidence of vaccines causing autism to exist) has been rejected by 2 of the original 3 researchers, along with the rest of the scientific community. You’re insane if you believe they do. Gay is also a sexual orientation, and a common way to describe said queers. I was quoting random tall tales people like you believe for no damn reason. Herbs do not heal, the chemical compounds in them do. MEDICINE is the purified version of this bullshit herbal practice, taking away impurities and risks. The polar shift has nothing to do with anything, and has been happening for millions of years. Would you like to dig your hole deeper with personal insults? Or do you want to provide some actual fucking backing to your claims?
So… in three weeks NOBODY learned how to focus a camera??
agreed, made me so pissed, show us the damn thing, this is important, do it right for god sake.
She was holding a baby.
And that IS all you seen???? I can see why humans are JUST NOW learning about herbs and their power.
It’s hurting my eyes to try and focus on it.
Are you aware of dangerous this is? Dumb question. If you did, you’d never put it on your face.
You know what else can black salve remove?
Your nose. Like… the whole nose. Look it up. That thing does waaay more harm than good.
No, it does not do more harm than good, how about listening when the guy says YOU HAVE TO USE IT RIGHT! Of course, you could go have that awesome and very successful chemoradiation treatment done:-)!
Wow! You discovered that a chemical compound that’s designed to burn your flesh off can…burn your flesh off!
…yeah, that sounds safe…
So basically you put an Alkaloid corrosive wich destroys flesh on your face you were very lucky and very stupid!
And you are very ignorant….as it seems.
+The Wandering Homesteader Please smear it all over your body and update me
wow you and you’re mole look great keep that look,bless your family Amen
Looks like a chicken pox scar