In “Repentance and His Return” Rabbi Schneider takes us through the Biblical truths of repentance and it’s necessity for our growth as Christians as we prepare for Christ’s return.

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10 thoughts on “Repentance and His Return

  1. you have such a humble and loving way of approaching us just that alone is really touching. thank you. it’s true what you say.

  2. Pastor Rabbi I am so blessed by this teaching! It is right where has been calling my heart. I have been walkkng for some years with judgment towards others, pride, anger, LUST, of the eyes amd the flesh, and other things not coming to mind. God has been ministering to me for aboit 5 years now since I first watched you on TBN. The LORD is working so incredibly with the ministry He gave you. Pastor Rabbi, I deeply mean this; Thank You, thank you so much for.tour devote faithfulness to His calling on your life. Mine and maybe millions of.others lives are being changed and molded for the better and to the Praise of God due to your steadfast commitment! You are a role model I look up to, a welcomed friend in my house, and I when I look at you I often look at you as a Father to me, as you are in the faith. I have been quite lonely the past several years after being first delivered of many horrible lifelong fears and insecurities, only to be taken into a trial of faith when a psychotic illness fell me just weeks afterwards. Its been daily battle to grow in the Lord ever since amd becuase of YOU, He has helped me out of many pits and I am seeing success ajd feeling His presence amd hope and Love once again. You do amzing work; tha k you amd your whole team at DJJ. How wondeful you are; you have such a wonderful countenance. I love to see every new episode posted on your Youtube channel. Please them coming! May the Lord Bless you with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenlies, may He cause you to walk in the way of the righteous, may be give you His Spirit of Wisdom to minister to us right where we need it, like the sheep that can only drink still water. May He keep His hand on you and your family and staff and congregation for protection, and may He minister His Word to your soul that it should prosper and bring forth fruit in due season. In Jesus name, and for Jesus’ fame. Amen Amen and Amen

  3. Amen. Finally someone preaching the truth. We don’t hear repentance any more. It offends people. And calls people to turn from their sins. This is why God used John the Baptist and Elijah so much. Instead of condoning sin, They condemned it. And as usual, The people of the household of God got offended. ! Amen. Amen and Amen.

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