It was on the Island of Patmos that Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days because he refused to keep his mouth shut concerning the teachings of Yeshua. He had been repeatedly beaten, tortured, and finally plunged into a caldron of boiling oil.

It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission – one last message to deliver – and it would take a man who had faithfully endured pain and suffering to the end. Yeshua came to him and told him to reveal Yeshua as he is now – not as a babe in a manger, not as a sheep silent before his shearers – but as the conquering, reigning judge over all the earth – the Messiah in all his power and glory and authority. Yeshua asked Yochanan to send a message to his servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – and these are the things the Messiah wants his faithful servants to know about the end of the age.

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