Here is the link 

It is very possible to reverse diabetes! See world-renowned scientists, doctors, and experts reveal how to reverse diabetes in this free series. 

Register NOW and you’ll be the first in line to see the entire 9-part series – for free – Starting Feb 27th 9pm Eastern


7 thoughts on “Rising from the depths of diabetes and obesity

  1. Thank you Paul for bringing this to the publics attention. Yes & AMEN! Being educated will help so many entrapped by the American diet. Thank you for giving us the tools we need. God bless you!

  2. Shalom, Paul thank you for all your wonderful and loving informative videos. I’ve been on a vegan diet for a couple years now and I’ve been very healthy yesterday I went to the doctor to have my blood work done. she said that I had a blood sugar Spike nothing that was life-threatening or close to diabetes. she just told me that I should go on a low glycemic diet, so the question I have for you is which fruits should I eat and how many should I have in a day to where I’m not having too much sugar.

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