"Ruach HaKodesh Is The Same as the holy ghost – TONGUES Ha Ruach??- Should We Have TONGUES In The Assembly? YES!! Ra'ah Will Open Up This Teaching Over A Series of Teachings – Part 3.

This Last of the Teachings on "Ruach Ha Kodesh – the holy ghost" Series, for now! You DO NOT want to miss this Finals of this Teaching that deal with"Tongues". YES, Tongues!! Should the True Nation of YHWH Speak in Tongues? The answer is "YES", we need Tongues in The Bayit of YHWH in YHWHSHUA. I know that this "SURPRISES" many of you'll that have listen to this Series. Well, if you want to "UNDERSTAND" the Power of Tongues.

I will need a little time to EXPLAIN this to you'll I have been "CRUDE" about Tongues, but you need to hear The Finals of this Teaching to "UNDERSTAND" why I am saying "WE NEED TONGUES IN THE BAYIT OF YHWH IN YHWHSHUA!!

There are times that my "IGNORANCES" Speaks with more "VOLUME" than "WISDOM". I am a "GUILTY man" of that "FAULT"!!!

PLEASE JOIN us for "Part 3 The Finals" of this Teaching "The Tongues of Ha Ruach – Why Do We Need Tongues in The Nation"!!! YES, YES, YES……..an UNEQUIVOCAL!! YES!! YES!!YES!!


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