Sara and Paul talk about The Vegan Life
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Music by Joseph Israel
Sara and Paul talk about The Vegan Life
Get even more raw food health videos at my member site!
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
Vegan Vegan Vegan
Vegan chili
That was a good video….thank you.
If Sara was vegan during pregnancy and nursing I would LOVE her to do a video talking about that, I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby and first vegan pregnancy 💕 dealing with cravings has been nuts off and on and learning to just say no! Also this has been my best pregnancy so far! My midwife even if says I’m her most boring patient lol
Check out Ellen Fisher. She has eat in a day pregnancy videos.
J Messick followed her before I even was pregnant 😉
Even with Raw Vegan, there are alot of options. Raw Vegan Pizza is the BEST pizza I’ve ever had, truly. Markus Rothkranz and Cara Brotman book: Love on a plate. Those are ALL raw vegan recipes!! And ice cream and sorbet options are really endless and taste so much better. I don’t have to hack up mucus afterwards… LoL 😂😉🍨🍨Then there are Raw Seed and Nut Butters. All protein comes from PLANTS and protein has always been the problem. Should be concerns about fruit and veggie carbs, which have great poop action fibers. Yep, I said it!! Lol💩
What are your thoughts on the Keto way of eating? I have been diagnosed with insulin resistance and advised by a naturopath to eat Keto which cuts out all grains and fruits. I am very unsure that this is the correct way to eat; grains and fruits are healthy if they are not processed; am I right? Just wondering if you have suggestions on this topic. Thank you and shalom!!
You should try eating lots of fish
can you do a video on detoxing
thanks loving the videos!!
Beautiful place!! Great info
U both look so healthy and young wow !!
Praise Yeshua