YES! YES! YES! The Revelation Series is BACK AGAIN!! A POWERFUL and DYNAMIC SERIES of Teachings that will OPEN up YOUR UNDERSTAND of what is WRITTEN in The Book! REVELATION!! We MUST UNDERSTAND This ONE Truth here……. KOHETET – ECCLESIASTES 1:9 The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. So, REVELATION… "The Last Book of Torah" is WRITTEN and SPOKEN of in The Books before "The FINAL Book" REVEALS the INSIGHT of what The WHOLE BOOK is ALL ABOUT! These FOOLS that are telling you that they are having ALL THIS NEW STUFF made known to them, "ARE FILTHY LIARS of their daddy ha shatan!! The TRUE BOOK REVEALS EVERYTHING as to "WHAT SHALL BE". NOT THE FALSE LIES of these DEVILS!! They are DEVILS of LIES from their ROTTEN BELLIES OF LIES!! If you are NOT BLESSED BY THESE TEACHING that BEGINS on 4/06/2017…….DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME LISTENING AGAIN!! PERIOD! Join YisraYah'ale for PART I of The Series!! YHWH BARAK you'll in YHWHSHUA!!

These Teachings will consist of "POWERFUL DYNAMIC WISDOM of The End Times"….."The Revelation Series – "The Most Powerful Message of The Hour Must Be Preached" Part I" ….A MUST LISTEN TOO TEACHING…….RIVETING….
A CAPTIVATING INSIGHT of TRUE WISDOM FROM YHWH in YHWHSHUA!! What Teaching?? "The Revelation Series And The End Is At Hand"!!! DO NOT MISS THESE TEACHINGS!! PLEASE JOIN YISRAYAH'ALE for these Teachings in this Series!! They will "mesmerize" "YOU" with POWERFUL INSIGHT of its TRUTH in PROPER CONTENT!!JOIN WITH US for these Teachings!!


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Restoring Hebrew Roots To Christians
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For Christians Seeking Knowledge Of Their Hebraic Roots…