SHALOM to Kole YisraYah'ale scattered throughout all the world!! Greetings in The PRECIOUS Name of The ABBA YHWH in YHWHSHUA HaMessiYah!!!
Raah Dawid deals with the Torah Truth of Polygyny LIES and FALSEHOOD"

"Polygyny Verses One – The Truth of ONE WIFE"? We can not SPECULATED nor DETERMINE what Torah SPEAKS on a MATTER, unless we BEGIN at THE BEGINNING!! The wise ish MUST SEARCH OUT the PATTERN of the CONCEPT of any given Torah STATUES …….. start at page ONE of The Book!

This will be "The Final" on this Teaching for a while, unless bishop Charles Dowell wants to "CHALLENGE" me on "ONE WIFE TEACHING COMMANDED in TORAH"! I will "WELCOME" any "DEBATE" from him….. bishop Charles Dowell!! "I MEAN ANY DEBATE on….healing, demon casting out……I mean ANY thing he wants to DEBATE!!!


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