9 thoughts on “Shabbat Shalom

  1. Psalms 63:4 make it too clear that the Most High name begin with Y. when evey you lift your hands up it found the Letter Y HalleluYAH, by inspiration it reads YaHWeH it is no sin when you put praises to YAH name so let YaHWeH be praise forever say’s Prophetkey The Liberian Hebrews Jewish Community Leader Selah.

  2. Psalms 63:4 lift your hands in the name of GOD when every you lift your hands it found The holy Letter Y. God name begin with the Letter Y, HaleluYAH by inspiration YaHWeH

  3. A sign of the remnant is the ability to graph the righteous stranger into the community in love. I see the goyim joining in with YisraEl in praise, HalleuYah!

  4. Name, to pray to Him using His Name to take our vows with His Name. We in fact cannot worship Yahweh unless we use His Name. Satan the God of this world caused the people of Ysrayl to replace the Name of Yahweh with the filthy names of Elohim translated god in most English scriptures and Adonai translated Lord. Yahweh is not a god, lord a duality or a Trinity. He is the Heavenly Father, Creator, Law Giver, Healer, and Author of Salvation, and the Name of His son is Yahshua the Messiah Savior.

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