This young women has a powerful message.

You can view her link at:

modestly covered in the search field


36 thoughts on “Should Children Wear a Head Covering?

    • you must be doing his will then. let me apologize for stating my view as im learning what the bible says, it was never to offend or anger anyone.  I wish you all the very best and many blessing to you.

  1. modestly is not taught in most church . Most member will not attend . churches these days are like a show  its more of a place to be seen . People like all that and most think that the lord is pleased with every action we take . its ok all this is biblical needs to take place not all of us will be saved  , Christ is coming let us hold on . GOD HELP US ALL .

  2. I love how she says, who came first? Because the Muslims got their dress from the Christians. AMEN!! The LORD has blessed this woman!! Praise GOD!!

  3. I respect Breanna for her wardrobe choices. I think it’s refreshing that she does a full haircovering than just partial, and I think she looks good that way. I hope people learn to accept her for it.

  4. I’ve a Christian for about 6 years now. I do dress modestly and don’t cover. Lately I’ve been feeling the lord telling me to cover. What I’m not sure about is how I should cover, HELP!!

    • Hello! I’d be happy to speak with you in private … just send me a message through my channel. God bless you! Joanne (Brianna’s mother)

    • Only way to find out is to try. Try it around the house at first. Try during prayer. See how you feel afterwards. You may find that headcovering has it’s rewards.

    • +Pani Pirhadi I agree with you for the most part, however we must be careful not to base our obedience on how it ‘feels’ … there is a lot about walking on the Narrow Way that does not ‘feel’ good, but we must walk by faith, and that’s where true joy and peace come from. God bless you!  

    • hI girl, have you tried covering? if you have an FB account there’s a page for christian women who contemplate, who practices headcovering 🙂 the members (including myself) are from different Christian denominations, different ages across the globe. It’s somehow a support group for Christian women who cover 🙂

  5. I love this young woman’s responses, they are so well contemplated and thorough. A very level-headed young woman, and not just because of her choices but by the care by which she informs them.

  6. I was a “Rock Star”, but now I want to be a star of God instead. Thanks for this video, I started last night covering my head, no make-up, no jewelry and I have been blessed HUGELY today already!! I can’t stand the horrible style of these wicked day’s and can’t wait to be “set apart” for now on visually! X Love you all and thank-you!!

  7. You look like a Nun, I never had a boyfriend tell I was 43 that when the Lord told me to get married. My husband died 1 year in 9 month from cancer, after we got married
    I dress modest but lately I been thinking of just wearing skirts and dress and maybe a head cover but is it okay to wear jeans with a head covering.

    • Where I live there are a bunch of ladies that belonged to a religion that where dresses and head covering. These ladies have all left. They all where jeans and head covering. I thought it strange at first, bit after getting to know them, I know they Love Jesus.

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