Should Christians try to keep the commandments of Our Creator?


40 thoughts on “Should Non-Jewish People Follow The Torah?

  1. Acts 21:25
    King James Bible
    As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication.
    These and the 10 commandments, but most important is love. 

  2. I agree but can anyone keep the Sabbath. Cause unless I’ve been mis told the only thing we can do on the Sabbath is pray meditate and sleep from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Even Jesus said is it not better to do good on the Sabbath? And when asked why his deciples didn’t observe the Sabbath he replied while the bride groom is with them they don’t. It’s my understanding that Jesus is with every true believer. I’m not trying to be argumentative and if we should be observing the Sabbath I want to do so. But how. For starters the whole world is on the Roman calender if you have a job that requires you to work on Saturday or even if your off most everyone does their yard work on Saturdays. Church is held on Sundays in order to keep the Sabbath the whole earth has to change that. I worship God every day not just on the Sabbath. So if anyone can explain how I can keep the Sabbath I’ll gladly do so. As far as the other comandments I agree we should keep them. The Sabbath is the only comandment that deals with a period of time and since we live in a world that is on the Roman calendar I don’t know how anyone can keep the Sabbath.

    • +Tony Eaton No non jews are not able to keep the Sabbath, if they do they are subject to death from heaven.
      If you really want to keep the Sabbath, convert, otherwise you only have seven commandments to keep to be a righteous non jew.
      1.) don’t serve idols
      2.) don’t murder
      3.) don’t commit any sexual prohibition like adultery, bestiality, male homosexuality and incest
      4.) don’t steal
      5.) don’t use G-ds name in vain
      6.) don’t eat from an animal while alive
      7.) have a correct justice system regarding these 6 laws

  3. I agree but can anyone keep the Sabbath. Cause unless I’ve been mis told the only thing we can do on the Sabbath is pray meditate and sleep from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Even Jesus said is it not better to do good on the Sabbath? And when asked why his deciples didn’t observe the Sabbath he replied while the bride groom is with them they don’t. It’s my understanding that Jesus is with every true believer. I’m not trying to be argumentative and if we should be observing the Sabbath I want to do so. But how. For starters the whole world is on the Roman calender if you have a job that requires you to work on Saturday or even if your off most everyone does their yard work on Saturdays. Church is held on Sundays in order to keep the Sabbath the whole earth has to change that. I worship God every day not just on the Sabbath. So if anyone can explain how I can keep the Sabbath I’ll gladly do so. As far as the other comandments I agree we should keep them. The Sabbath is the only comandment that deals with a period of time and since we live in a world that is on the Roman calendar I don’t know how anyone can keep the Sabbath.

    • Nobody said it was going to be easy, mate.. the whole world is wrong and we all know who is ruling it.. If you want the world to change, start with you! so if you understand that you should keep Sabbath, if you work on Saturdays, pray to find another job, or talk to your boss to adjust/change your work days..  the whole world doesnt need to change so u can do it easily and with no struggle.. Jesus said we would have tribulations.. the world didn’t change on that and there are millions who already do it.. the Sabbath is HOLY, so we should pray read, which is a plus for everyone coz no one reads or pray enough during the week, you can spend time with family and friends as long as you don’t do nothing related to work or vain stuff , its a set-apart day to God.. you will learn to delight in it and to be thankful to have it .. : ) Shalom..

    • Jesus was just against the Jews being so exaggerated that they would not even help someone in need bcoz of the Sabbath, that’s what He condemned, their lack of humility and kindness as their arrogance and pride..

    • God used a lunar and solar calendar. You are right in that if use a strictly Roman calendar, we cannot truly honor GOD’s *original* design. Man went by the new moon to mark the months and then each week followed AFTER. I believe that is why God told the Jews their new moon festivals made Him sick. (Because they were disobedient in every other way, so it was like an insult to His intelligence) The new moons were an EXTRA day of ‘rest’ so they had festivals on that day. Now we do not honor the moon. I am odds with this myself and I have fasted and prayed, but still not bullet to the brain answer yet. Just that I should not work MORE than six days in a row.  Please sir, if you receive insight to this issue, share it if you please. God Bless.

    • Tony Eaton
      The moment I believed in following the father’s commandments, I prayed that he could make a way for me. The next day I was asked if I wanted an assignment change due to need for a position that is monday through friday. The father made a way for me and five years now I’ve not worked on Shabbat.

  4. I personally agree with you, the NT is like chapter 2 of what people call the “old testaments” how can the SAME GOD who gave chapter one to the Jews make new laws and commends in chapter 2 ? makes NO sense what so ever.
    if you’re a Christian there is a VERY clear statement made by jesus himself to his students before Christianity became a religion. as you all know jesus was born a Jew and was a practicing Jewish laws and commends  
    the book of Mathew chapter 5 explains it ALL very clearly

    The Fulfillment of the Law
    17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. 

    if you can’t figure this out yourself and you don’t have a chance understand either the old or the new testaments   

  5. The commandment say to work six days but the seven day to rest. Jesus kept Sabbath by doing no secular work by still worked by preaching and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. He spent time and energy in doing so and by the end of that day he was tired like anyone else.

  6. That’s fine, but then we should all be vegans because that was GOD’s original plan according to HIS word. I’m just saying.
    And CHRIST came NOT to abolish the law, but to FULFILL the law.
    So hence, the law was pointing to the fact the JEWS were INCOMPLETE and in NEED of the LAWS that GOD gave to them.
    But once GOD’S Lamb was sacrificed, ALL sins were atoned for in so far as not only to COMPLETE the Jews, but ANYONE who believed in HIM. Sorry, but the Renewed Covenant is very clear on this in MANY scriptures. The law points to Christ. If we follow the law and FIND Christ , we are liberated in HIM. That is why seventh day rest is fine and it really doesn’t matter (if we are in HIM) which day it is. We are NOT following GOD’s time clock if we are the Gregorian Calendar!!

     So it is silly to have a debate about Saturday or Sunday or whatever because we are all wrong on this point. What was “Saturday” in God’s day wasn’t even named, It was simply Shabbat (the day of rest). “Saturday” is ALSO PAGAN in origin. God made the world *before* the days were named and did not intend a strictly solar calendar as we use today.  I ask any true seeker to *fast and pray* about this and GOD to reveal the truth. We will all come to a point of union on this issue soon I hope and unity in our Shabbat.
    Remember,  HE is the LORD of the Sabbath and made it for us!! Please let me know what , if anything has been revealed to you. I am a seeker and I do NOT claim to know all the answers. I know that  through fellowship of true followers…knowledge will come. God bless.


    • Yeshua said not till one tittle not one stroke shall pass from the law until both heaven & earth pass away…… Are heaven & earth still here? If so, you have to follow the torah…. in the tanakh it says his sabbath is an everlasting covenant & it also says its for the stranger the sojourner & alien among you…. Yeshua also said if you love me you’ll keep my commandments, he said go and sin no more as well. What is sin? Transgression of the law…. paul said should we go on sinning so that grace shall abound? No heaven forbid but we shall uphold the Torah… if i remember correctly paul was speaking to non Jewish people most of the time…. just my two cents.

  7. Grace and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ – the Torah was not Truth in totality but used until Christ came when the deeper and spiritual understanding of the law was exposed and kept – like St Paul mentioned many times about the law. It has many symbolic meanings as true however that Christians should keep like associations with believers not worldly people is akin to eating clean & unclean meats…the literal law is redundant but the spiritual is not – read the Didache, Epistle of Barnabas etc for for understanding on this important topic.

    Muzzling an ox when it treads out the grain as St Paul says is actually talking about preaching the Word and being paid to do so..many things like this need to be read spiritually as did all the early Christian and Early Church Fathers etc..

    • St Paul is one of the main teachers of Christianity so you can keep your Mosaic Law if you like but this wont encourage grace or the Holy Spirit as you would then be under the law as a Jew is under the literal Law.
      St Paul points out that no-one has ever fully kept the Mosaic law perfectly so salvation is not from it nor can it be. Only Jesus Christ can save with the Royal Law of Christ. The flesh comes before the Spirit so too the literal Law came before the Spiritual law of Christ…and yes that last 2,000 years Christians have been under the Spiritual Law..

    • Yeshua was the living torah. He came teaching it by the way he lived. No matrer what people think Yeshua created the torah why would he want you to not keep it

  8. Always remember: Babel was, BEFORE Moses…. God confounded our language…..therefore we must have faith in oral stories, written by different languages…. as to whom the TRUE God is……Thus giving each of us the freedom to choose (the correct language to follow)…
    THE ONE ______ that refers to Himself, as “the US”, meaning….. more than ONE…… does anybody know Him?

    • In the OT they would set up a system of judges (In the nation of Israel) something we do not have in place today (In the entire world) just like the levitical priesthood. Second I think we probably start at acts 15 and work our way forward from there. I would guess the best advice would be to work on our own sins first and then rest assured God will give rewards and punishments according to his righteous judgment in the end. You cannot earn salvation by works (Following the Torah) that is the free gift of God for those who have faith in the Messiah. But you can Obey God’s will and commands and do good works out of obedience. I did my best to answer your question but I do not have all of the answers.

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