Coming in February 2016 is a new fully animated video on The Gospel of the Kingdom.

Jesus' main announcement was the good news that the kingdom of God was near. What did he mean by "God's kingdom" and why was its arrival good news? In this video we'll explore why Jesus talked about these ideas all the time.

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20 thoughts on “Sneak Peek: The Gospel of The Kingdom

  1. I’m surprised nobody who was asked about Jesus’ teachings brought up the Sermon on the Mount. That speech was so jam-packed with important topics and teachings that one would think it would instantly spring to mind.

    Will the Sermon be the subject of a standalone video?

    • Agreed! It’s jam packed but there are also some themes that explain a lot about Jesus and what he was doing, along with providing context which is always helpful. 🙂 I’d love to see a video. Also if you’re interested Tim talks through the sermon on the mount in his series on Matthew; Door of Hope puts their sermons on iTunes.

  2. Wow! I’m astounded by the hard work that you guys put into this project. As for your channel, it’s clear that God’s hand is upon it, and my prayers will go towards this cause! God bless the both of you and anyone else who is a part of this, I pray that you may be strengthened when faced with any hardship!

  3. You guys should never forget, he spoke about love and forgiveness a lot .. But also repentance. That’s also very important, please don’t forget that

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