Solomon's Secrets – Part 3: Solomon's Temple

The Temple was built as a place to house the Ark of the Covenant — and to hide it! To make provision for the Ark's safe keeping, Solomon constructed a sand-hydraulic elevator in the Most Holy Place (the “Holy of Holies”). Tonight, Michael Rood reveals how it worked!

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12 thoughts on “Solomon’s Secrets – Solomon’s Temple – (Part 3 of 3)

  1. a question for M.Rood………….the YHWH pronounced Yahweh seems wrong to me, because the two HH signify I AM….but the eh sound in yahweh betrays this …………………….ought not we pronounce YHWH as YAH OO AH…..?

    • +Joseph Bavone i am more interested in the AH sound verses the EH sound….because the H in YHWH signifys the Iam that Iam in Gods name, so then my reasoning follows if the YAH is correct; then the AH sound ought to be correct too?…………the EH sound in hebrew grammar means ….i will be…….but the AH sound in hebrew grammer means Iam…… you see my question to mr rood now?
      I think the oo sound or the w sound are interchangeaqble too. but they have the same sound as in the word YAHOO

    • +King Arthur You should go to his site. He has a place where you can submit questions. I have read so much on the issue and I don’t have the expertise to give you a good enough answer either way.

    • I know, right!? I hate that big, stupid beard! Why not just get a nice haircut, and trim his beard so he doesn’t look like a caveman? *Sigh* I feel kinda bad for his wife, you know. LOL!

    • Ya and this video is 15 or years old, but if you were to listen to ‘ Michael Rood exposed’ video you would know why he won’t cut his hair anymore.

    • Trust me, pal. There’s no reason for a beard to be that long. It serves no purpose outside of being silly… Why not just trim it neatly, so we can actually see your face and mouth? LOL!

    • This conversation is silly when you think about it, a Individual has there own reasons for what they do that may be ‘no reason ‘ to someone else just like someone could say the same about you and myself , anyway I don’t watch him for his looks but his teachings that can be very interesting .

    • Agreed, and I’m not saying I’m gonna force him to trim… I’m just sayin’ that his beard looks silly. Actually, there was a question on Shabbat Night Live regarding his facial hair and he just said he wanted the “will of the Almighty” to be recognized. Though, a beard being that long is of concern to God. I mean, let’s face it. A beard is good, but an unkempt beard is just gross. But if that’s his thing, that’s his thing. LOL!!!

  2. you yah oo ah …people
    waste your time trying to tell people how to pronounce YAH’s name. YAH is salvation thats all that matters you should be glad we aint calling him GAD . you cant lay no other foundation go tell someone who doesn’t know yah not those who already call his name. children sometimes cant pronounce their daddy’s name so the say dada . YAH is all that matters now be of good cheer

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