“In God I put my trust, I shall not be afraid” Psalm 56:4
Many times people say that the opposite of love is hate, but beneath hate is often times fear. Over 100 times in the Bible the Lord says do not be afraid. One of the main things we warfare against is fear. I want to encourage you to stand up to fear! Be strong and courageous by standing against fear the moment you feel it trying to come in to your heart. If there are places where fear has already come in, begin to stand up to it and close the door on it. Let’s agree with Love today and affirm the truth that Jesus does not want you to be afraid.


10 thoughts on “Standing Up to Fear

  1. This message popped up in my fed just as i was praying about standing up to fear. it brought tears to my eyes because God spoke to me just that quick with Joshua 1:9. I have battled Anxiety for years. The day i took a stand and said no more, I felt like the battle was on. I havent been able to drive or be alone without having panic attacks. God is so great and i am learning so much about his love That i never knew before. I want to walk in faith and not in fear anymore. To God be the glory I look forward to what God has for me.Thank you Rabbi for posting this today.

    • Wow! Beautiful testimony! My Sister in Christ, I encourage you to continue standing up to fear just as we just heard in this message! It’s a great reminder of Jesus’s power and what he has overcome and how through Him we can overcome fear as well!

  2. Amen and Amen.
    Yes thank you Rabbi very encouraging. Had to deal with fear and now I’m getting more and more courageous.
    Yes Psalm 56v4….Amen.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. I guess FDR was quoiting Father God when he said “The only thing we have to FEAR is FEAR itself”? Thank you for the inspiring words of wisdom beloved Rabbi. PTL for the Messianic Jewish Missionaries like you that are fulfilling the 3rd Abrahamic Blessing   ! I love you ALL and Shalom (Peace). PTL, amen.

  4. any time feelings and thoughts of fear enter my being I pray Holy Michael Archangel Prayer and cast Satan into hell for a thousand years in the Name of Jesus Christ

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