21 thoughts on “Swedish Woman Dies After Attempting Daylight Diet

  1. I’ve heard of people doing something similar called “sun gazing.” The sun gazer’s believe that you can get all your health from the sun. That’s what Ive heard. Water is the best natural fat burner on the market with some clean whole foods.

  2. im considering trying this, now i only sungaze 2-3 minutes but i want to water fast and gaze at the sun longer…was 20 minutes a day enough??

  3. I know after 6pm you stomach takes a break so whatever you eat after 6pm turns to toxins. That’s why a lot of people gain weight eating after 6pm.

  4. You know Paul, there are plenty of animals that eat by the light of the moon and only at night. Hmm, I need to give this some more thought. My guardian dogs work all night and rest during the day. They are hungriest at night. But I do sleep better when my stomach is empty I have to admit.

  5. I sungazed about15 minutes yesterday foolishly in the noon day sun and I am still seeing sunspots, i’ve had NO food or water cravings but still eat out of habit i know what you mean when you say you would be ‘leaving the planet’!

  6. THERE IS STUPIDITY AND THEN THERE IS MENTAL ILLNESS, one should be able to tell esp. when you don’t eat and expect to live…… these people need psych intervention. Nomi Shannon, the raw chef, warns that raw diet attracts a lot of bulimics and anorexics. Some people are just looking to excuse or judstification for their extreme mental states.

  7. That’s crazy!! No one can survive w/o food. It’s one thing to switch to a raw diet (and eat a ton of raw food every day) and another on eating “sunlight”. I believe strongly in eating huge meals made 95% from fresh organic fruits, veges, nuts, and seeds. The other 5% is organic fish, chicken, turkey, feta, or goat cheese.

  8. do you EAT a daylight diet? You eat according to the DL diet, get your grammar right, will you!.
    Paul, now you’re being silly.

  9. The Swedish people are from Sweden ‘Sverige’ not Switzerland, if their from Switzerland we call them Swiss, get your facts straight, I’m from Halmstad which is in southern Sweden and it annoys me when people think the Swedish are from Switzerland which is downright idiotic!.

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