Today we are getting ready to leave Atlanta. Just picked up some food for our road trip to Tennessee. On the menu, fresh, exotic jackfruit.
I grow these fruits on my tree at home in south Florida. They are very popular in Jamaica, India and S.E. Asia. Besides south Florida they are not really known in the United States.
Jackfruit is the world's biggest fruit and the taste is just like bubble gum. If you can only reach in the screen and taste it. Here is a look at how it looks.
I am sooo sad I missed you and your beautiful family !! My son got sick and I stayed with him, I was looking forward to meeting you and your family for some time!!! Thank you both for your work and your time to help others!! May the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you and your family and keep you safe on your travels!
where can i find jack fruit? would asian grocery stores sell them?
@tomasbermea lol also i’ve tried durian no way am i eating it again, it’s like eating banana custard from a garbage bin lol sorry if i offend you and you actually like durian- i mean you are the durian king after all haha
@tomasbermea yes
@tomasbermea If you don’t like durian you havent’ tasted a good one. The difference between a good one and a bad one is night and day.
@foxincatl sorry we missed you
we don’t have this fruit here in israel, but who is jack?
It is delicious..but I lean more towards guanabana.
@thedurianking then i’ll look for a good one and give it another shot! lol 🙂
I have never tried it. If I meed you and you offer me some I will try it.
oh. i m visiting the dekalb. it is awesome. but they didn’t have jack fruit now. is there any season for it?Â