We often hear the term "Grace vs. Law" but do we really understand the word "Law". In this video I discuss "The Law"
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Exodus: Gods & Kings – Is it True?
Exodus: Gods & Kings – Is it True? Hollywood has recently re-invented the story of Moses and the Exodus — the story of “gods and kings.” But should you believe everything you see on the big screen? Discover what really happened in The Gods and Kings Collection — 3 DVDs with more than 4 hours of fascinating truth and ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROOF that the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and camped in the Saudi Arabian desert, just like the Bible says they did:
– Red Sea Crossing DVD
– The Real Mount Sinai DVD
– Exodus Revealed DVD
The Red Sea Crossing: What if God really did part the Red Sea? And what if we could prove it — with video evidence of Pharoah’s chariot army on the bottom of the Red Sea? Get ready for the spine-tingling reality of The Red Sea Crossing as Michael Rood and an international team of scientists document one of the most exciting archaeological finds in history!
The Real Mount Sinai: Mount Sinai is not in Egypt’s so-called Sinai Peninsula, no matter what the tour guide says… and we have proof! The discovery of the real Mount Sinai is far more exciting, and Michael Rood takes you there in The Real Mount Sinai. This awe-inspiring DVD proves, with breathtaking video footage, that the real Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia… and that Israel is the rightful owner of the land!
Exodus Revealed: The Exodus reveals physical evidence for the Exodus, including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta; Egyptian records of the Israelites' bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai.
Order your copy of the Gods and Kings Collection:
When was the Sabbath instituted?
When was the Sabbath instituted? – Michael Rood answers the question, "When was the Sabbath instituted?" on the May 9, 2014 episode of Shabbat Night Live®. Watch the full episode here:
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What is a woman’s role in the ministry?
What is a woman's role in the ministry? Michael Rood answers the question, "What is a woman's role in the ministry?" on the May 30, 2014 episode of Shabbat Night Live®.
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Into The Wilderness (The Ark of The Covenant)
The Ark of the Covenant – You can trust a person who loses everything to maintain his integrity and then remains faithful when there is no hope of restoration. Moses spent his time in the wilderness. Abraham journey never saw the land promise fulfilled. The prophets died before their prophecies were honored. They were all faithful, never having received the promise. To verify the finding of Ark of the Covenant was a long journey into the wilderness where no one else was willing to go — but it was the key to the Confirmation of the Covenant — and that key Michael Rood had sought for more than 30 years of wandering in the wilderness.
Join Michael Rood for this week’s Shabbat Night Live as he presents the third episode in "The Ark of the Covenant” series – "Into The Wilderness"
Bless This Ministry:
Is there any acceptable way for a Believer to observe Halloween? – Q&A with Michael Rood
Is there any acceptable way for a Believer to observe Halloween? – Michael Rood answers the question "Is there any acceptable way for a Believer to observe Halloween?" Michael Rood answers your questions from a Scriptural Hebrew renewed covenant perspective. This Q&A was taken from Shabbat Night Live 10/25/2013
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Preview of Shabbat Night Live with Michael Rood: December 12, 2014
Get a "Rood Preview" of what's happening on the December 12, 2014 episode of Shabbat Night Live with Michael Rood! Michael and the rest of the Rood Crew work hard to Restore the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith each Friday night at 8pm (EST) on during Shabbat Night Live through powerful teachings, a Rood Review update of everything happening at A Rood Awakening!, positive news from Inside Israel for Shabbat Night Live with Ariela Steagall and through informative Q&A's with Michael Rood.
Join the "Messianic Matador", Michael Rood, and the rest of the crew from A Rood Awakening! International as they Restore the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith with a brand new episode of Shabbat Night Live.
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Was Melchizadek Christ or a type of Christ? – Q&A with Michael Rood
Was Melchizadek Christ or a type of Christ? – Michael Rood answers the question, "Was Melchizadek Christ or a type of Christ?" on the May 2, 2014 episode of Shabbat Night Live®. Watch the full episode here:
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What are the origins of Halloween? (History of Halloween)
What are the origins of Halloween? Michael Rood discusses the origins of Halloween in a Q&A from Shabbat Night Live®! Michael Rood answers your questions from a Scriptural Hebrew renewed covenant perspective. This Q&A was taken from Shabbat Night Live 10/25/2013
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Does the bread and wine turn to Jesus’ body and blood? – Q&A with Michael Rood
Does the bread and wine turn to Jesus' body and blood? – Michael Rood answers the question, "Does the bread and wine turn to Jesus' body and blood?" on the April 4, 2014 episode of Shabbat Night Live®. Watch the full episode here:
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Preview of Shabbat Night Live with Michael Rood July 10, 2015
This week on Shabbat Night Live, it's time for an adventure — an adventure inside the book of The Judges, specifically, “The accursed thing.” That is, guarding yourself from that which the Almighty pronounces as accursed — including guarding yourself from people who violate the commandments of the Almighty and yet claim they are blessed. It’s exactly why Israel was ejected from the Promised Land – and, as Michael Rood explains, why most who “claim” to be Christians today will never see the Promised Land.
Plus, Scott Laird, ND answers your health questions!
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