The future of counterfeit humanity!
Satan is in the counterfeit business. Counterfeit truth, counterfeit religion, and now counterfeit DNA. In fact, counterfeit DNA has been around since the book of Genesis! Dr. Douglas Hamp reveals “seed of satan” history and the future of counterfeit humanity!

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Why doesn’t your doctor know about the healing power of diet? Because doctors don’t learn about diet in school — at least, not yet. Scott Laird, ND talks to Dr. Michael Klaper who is turning things around one med school at a time!









– Theodosius attempts to stamp out the remnants of the Arian movement from his realm, but not before it spreads to Rome’s fiercest enemies. Paganism, on the other hand, is outlawed, and eradicated from the realm, leading to the further rise of the Christian movement. Bishop Ambrose of Milan exercises his new authority while building the church into a political and legal institution, adding to its ecclesiastical strength.

Access the entire podcast by clicking the link below:

Scott Laird and David Robinson stop by to talk to us about a special announcement we have and all of the happenings here at A Rood Awakening International and we’ll learn more about our January Love Gift and what’s on the Health Awakening.


Thanks for watching! From the behind-the-scenes truth of the Gospels to biblical health and everything in between, we’ve got something for you to watch this weekend! (All times Eastern [GMT-4])

8:00pm Shabbat Night Live
9:00pm The Chronological Gospels
9:30pm The Health Awakening
10:00pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
10:30pm The Chronological Gospels
11:00pm Shabbat Night Live

12:00am/pm The Chronological Gospels
1:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
1:30am/pm The Health Awakening
2:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
2:30am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
3:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 1
4:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 2
5:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 3
6:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 4
7:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 5
8:00am/pm Shabbat Night Live
9:00am/pm The Chronological Gospels
10:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
10:30am/pm The Health Awakening
11:00am/pm Shabbat Night Live

12:00am/pm The Chronological Gospels
1:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
1:30am/pm The Health Awakening
2:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
2:30am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
3:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 1
4:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 2
5:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 3
6:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 4
7:00am/pm The Ark of the Covenant – Part 5

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Thanks for watching! From the behind-the-scenes truth of the Gospels to biblical health and everything in between, we’ve got something for you to watch this weekend! (All times Eastern [GMT-5])

8:00pm Shabbat Night Live
9:00pm The Chronological Gospels
9:30pm The Health Awakening
10:00pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
10:30pm The Chronological Gospels
11:00pm Shabbat Night Live

12:00am/pm The Chronological Gospels
1:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
1:30am/pm The Health Awakening
2:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
2:30am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
3:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 1
4:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 2
5:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 3
6:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 4
7:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 5
8:00am/pm Shabbat Night Live
9:00am/pm The Chronological Gospels
10:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
10:30am/pm The Health Awakening
11:00am/pm Shabbat Night Live

12:00am/pm The Chronological Gospels
1:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
1:30am/pm The Health Awakening
2:00am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
2:30am/pm A Rood Awakening from Israel
3:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 1
4:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 2
5:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 3
6:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 4
7:00am/pm Passover: The Path to Freedom – Part 5

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The Pharisees were known for continually questioning the Messiah. But when he turned the tables on them, and asked a question of his own, he created a dilemma — because they refused to answer.
What was this question? What were the Pharisees so afraid to admit? And why is this question still being debated today?
In this week’s episode of Shabbat Night Live, Michael Rood decodes a complex Messianic prophecy given to David — a prophecy that reveals the truth of the Messiah that both the ancient Pharisees and many believers today still grapple with.
One of the longest standing Biblical questions is finally answered here in The Messiah Dilemma: The Question The Rabbis Were Afraid To Answer. Don’t miss this incredible episode of Shabbat Night Live!

Michael Rood and Nehemia Gordon detail a literary revelation never seen in the history of Bible research, including Hebrew manuscripts presumed inexistent — lost treasures in the depths of the Vatican.

After centuries of assumption that the New Testament was written in Greek, the discovery of a Hebrew version of the Gospel of Matthew blew the lid off the modern understanding of ancient times, context, and even the purpose and meaning of the Gospel.

This paradigm-shattering shift of a Hebrew Gospel written by a Hebrew disciple had scholars begging the question, “Could there be more?” Indeed, there are. In rapid succession, centuries-old manuscripts are coming to light, right now. Don’t miss the incredible discoveries revealed from this episode of Shabbat Night Live!

To help you study these fascinating Hebrew Luke and Hebrew John manuscripts, Nehemia Gordon created a PDF with the full Hebrew transcription and English translation with links to the color photos on the Vatican website.

Watch Shabbat Night Live and other programs On Demand for free through the new Michael Rood TV app!

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We don't choose our leaders, God does! No matter the politics, God sets leaders in place for specific reasons at specific times and we need to pray for them! This week on Shabbat Night Live, Michael Rood urges prayer for our leaders and explains why doing so is critical!

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.

In this 8-part teaching series, Michael delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake-up call to those who seek the Truth.

CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints.

Join Scott Laird as he chats with author, speaker, and musician Allan Aguirre. When does the day start? What does the moon have to do with the new month? And why does any of it matter for a modern believer? Gather your curious friends and watch this episode of Shabbat Night Live for the answers!

EPISODE 3: Jumping Through Flaming Hoops.
Michael Rood and Nehemia Gordon recount the Scrolls of Auschwitz that were unearthed after the Holocaust. Like a prophecy of the end times to come, these scrolls detail both the horrors and unwavering faith of those who endured persecution to the end.

NEW SERIES! In Jumping Through Flaming Hoops, Nehemia Gordon and Michael Rood share the emerging end-time truths now being revealed to those who are willing to diligently chase after the concealed matters of God — and the deception that awaits those who leap without looking.

Restoring Hebrew Roots To Christians
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215-25 Hollis Avenue, Suite 101
CP: 11429 Queens Village (U.S.A.)
Tel: (347) 395-4422

For Christians Seeking Knowledge Of Their Hebraic Roots…