The Battle is Won
(#187 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Yahweh, there is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Yahweh our Mighty One, for we rely on You, and in Your Name we have come against this vast army. Yahweh, You are our Mighty One; do not let mere mortals prevail against You! (2 Chronicles 14:11)
How could victory not be celebrated, even now? And in the process, how can you consider any loss a mistake?
The Sovereignty of our Creator mandates that all battles are His. We proclaim, “The battle belongs to Yahweh.” (1 Samuel 17:47) We call Him King of the universe; and we ascribe to Him His rightful title as “I Am,” yet we still have fear. We doubt as we wonder what more might be taken. We often think of Job as the courageous one, forgetting the most pivotal part of his story; he repented and praised Yahweh after his loss (Job 42:5-6). He declared, “Yahweh has given, and Yahweh has taken away.” (Job 1:21)
The scriptures teach us that what we lose is meant to be lost and what we gain is only blessed if it comes according to our Creator’s will. If we trust Him for the battle, then we must accept that loss is just as valuable and perfect as gain.
Pruning often involves persecution. But even so, the battles we face are truly not ours to fight. If this is true, AND IT IS, then no enemy can prevail against us. The pruning we experience as a result of the persecution is actually intended to squelch the internal battle we fight against Yahweh. That’s correct; most of our pain (mind strife) is due to our struggle against our Creator, not our supposed enemies.
With this new understanding, let us be content with Him taking what He takes and giving what He gives. Have a grateful heart (mind) no matter the situation. He knows best what is excess and what is not. If we are going to trust Him, we must go all the way. Anything less is merely lukewarm faith, and that makes our Creator nauseous. (Revelation 3:16)
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