The Battle is Won

(#187 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Yahweh, there is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Yahweh our Mighty One, for we rely on You, and in Your Name we have come against this vast army. Yahweh, You are our Mighty One; do not let mere mortals prevail against You! (2 Chronicles 14:11)

How could victory not be celebrated, even now? And in the process, how can you consider any loss a mistake?

The Sovereignty of our Creator mandates that all battles are His. We proclaim, “The battle belongs to Yahweh.” (1 Samuel 17:47) We call Him King of the universe; and we ascribe to Him His rightful title as “I Am,” yet we still have fear. We doubt as we wonder what more might be taken. We often think of Job as the courageous one, forgetting the most pivotal part of his story; he repented and praised Yahweh after his loss (Job 42:5-6). He declared, “Yahweh has given, and Yahweh has taken away.” (Job 1:21)

The scriptures teach us that what we lose is meant to be lost and what we gain is only blessed if it comes according to our Creator’s will. If we trust Him for the battle, then we must accept that loss is just as valuable and perfect as gain.

Pruning often involves persecution. But even so, the battles we face are truly not ours to fight. If this is true, AND IT IS, then no enemy can prevail against us. The pruning we experience as a result of the persecution is actually intended to squelch the internal battle we fight against Yahweh. That’s correct; most of our pain (mind strife) is due to our struggle against our Creator, not our supposed enemies.

With this new understanding, let us be content with Him taking what He takes and giving what He gives. Have a grateful heart (mind) no matter the situation. He knows best what is excess and what is not. If we are going to trust Him, we must go all the way. Anything less is merely lukewarm faith, and that makes our Creator nauseous. (Revelation 3:16)

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The Hollow of My hand

(#183 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and measured the heavens with a span, and contained the dust of the earth in a measure and weighted the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance? (Isaiah 40:12)

With one scoop, all of the waters of the earth are consumed. All of the galaxies are like jacks in the hands of a child. On one finger, all the nations of the earth rest. With one strike of My fist I could destroy the universe.

You are wondering, "Is He that big?" Your mind is unable to comprehend My Omnipotence and My Omnipresence. You regularly use these words to describe Me, and yet you have fear. How can you boast of My enormity, and yet shrink back at the thought of the harmful touch of man? Such conflicting mindsets, these thoughts inside your head. I Am concerned greatly about this double-mind of yours. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Yahweh; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. (James 1:7-8)

Please know, it is because of double-mindedness that I have created one of the keys to My Kingdom. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind! (Romans 12:2) Break free; remove the shackles from your mind; and unlock and open the doors into a new reality. Your greatest hindrance in doing this is fear of man! You fear man even more than you fear Me.

May I say it so it is easy to remember? FEAR OF MAN IS A SIN! Why so? Fear of man means lack of trust in Me. Do you realize how sinful this is?

Here is a word for My loved ones, a stepping stone, a new beginning. I control all of My dust. Remember this the next time that creepy little thing called “fear of man” tries to overtake your mind. I have you in My hand. And there is plenty of room My child; I promise.

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Seeds of Doubt

(#109 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Father, it is with a heart (mind) of remorse that I come, regret for all mankind. Why are we so quick to turn? Why is it so easy to forget? When water is turned into wine, how sweetly we rejoice. When the wine is gone, we wonder if You would, or even could, do it again. When You heal the blind, we stand back in wondrous awe. Then, soon after, we wonder if You would do it for us. We see You turn the darkness into light and make crooked paths straight before us (Isaiah 42:16), yet, we sinfully wonder if You will take us all the way, as You promise?

Oh Father, if there are seeds I do not want to sow; they are the seeds of doubt. Why are we like this? What is in us that continually forgets, or chooses to doubt, that You have promised to cover us from beginning to end? Yes Father, it seems to bring You glory when the seeds of doubt are majestically overcome by faith, but it’s the doubt that burdens me. Doubting You hinders my growth. My unbelief dishonors You and for that I apologize.

Show me the way Father. Again, I hand You all of the seeds of doubt until they are no more. Please take them Father. Let the ground on which I have scattered them become parched, and till the new soil of my heart with Your presence (Jeremiah 4:3-4).

When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” (Matthew 28:17-18)

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True Children of Yahweh are to have NO fear or Anxiety! Fear and Anxiety are demons that try to attack us! See this video to understand more and learn how to release yourself from these demons. If you let fear in your life you are not using the gift that Yahweh has left you!

A Prisoner’s Request

(#087 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Father, this journey has been so long, and the road must still be traveled. Yes, You have shown me so much, so many things new. You whisper to me, “Don’t look back,” and I do my best to obey. You know all of my thoughts. Although I move forward at Your command, You know I have questions for You. These are questions in my mind (heart) and in my soul (conscious essence). I will ask them this one time, and not again if You give me courage to just ask only once, and then I will move forward as You say.

I wonder if I am supposed to have unspeakable joy while confined and away from my family and friends. Is it possible to have such a joy in my soul and be distant from the family I love so deeply? Can a man love his family too much? Is it a gift to have unspeakable joy while imprisoned, or must it be earned through constant praise and thanksgiving? What of those I am indebted to Father? Can I believe You have their best interests in mind and will you show me the path of restoration? Who do I owe Father? What shall I do to restore? What will I be Father? What will I do to provide for my family, to feel like a man? What is Your will for my livelihood? What of those who betrayed me Father? Do I forgive and forget, or forgive and find new friends?

I have been thinking about these things Father. I have learned enough to know that I can hand everything to You and trust You will guide me. As You know, putting these things on paper, these questions, was so I could move forward and practice this new faith. It is a faith that trusts that I can hand you all my hopes, all my dreams, and all my concerns, and that You won't forget that I asked You what to do. For each question, I need Your answer and I will do as You say. I know if You ask it of me, You will provide the way to accomplish it. I don't want to look back anymore Father. Today, I choose to move forward and trust in Your answers. I desire peace on every side Father, this is my request.

Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to the Almighty and the peace of the Mighty One, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your heart (mind) and soul through Yahshua the Messiah. (Philippians 4:6-7)

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Do We Really Care?

(#065 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Father, Your ways are far superior to ours; we will trust You, even when Your power frightens us. We will not place our trust in another. We won’t even concern ourselves with how You will deliver us. All we need is to hear Your voice say, “I Am the Almighty; walk before Me faithfully and blameless.” (Genesis 17:1) Speak and we will follow.

You have taught us many things Abba and these are what come to mind, these are what permeate our consciousness:

1. You will not stand for Your children living in fear of man;

2. Fear of man is sin in Your eyes. It says, “I don’t trust You Father;”

3. Throughout Your word you teach Your children that they will never be dismayed, condemned, shamed, or humiliated;

4. You instill in us that shame and condemnation wreak havoc in the minds of Your children because Your children disobey. Though Your love can restore it all, lack of faith only supports the shame within;

5. We do not need to defend ourselves and the only battle that matters is the battle to believe You;

6. You demonstrate Your consuming love and jealousy for Your children;

7. You remind us about Your Son’s death and how the shedding of His blood brings the fullness of Your power into our lives. Life is in His shed blood;

8. You command us to worship and praise in what seems like our darkest hours and that by obedience to this You will cause the sun to shine again. Joy and prosperity will come.

So Father, we don’t care what others may say. We will radically do as You say. If man is to align with us in our efforts, You will show us. Otherwise, we are sold out to You alone. We need to see Your word come true for us. We need You to forever remove any fear of man in us, and any irrational fear we might have of You, and replace it with awe and a mesmerizing addiction to You. So be it!

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The Key

(#064 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Yahweh is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness, He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of Yahweh is the key to this treasure. (Isaiah 33:5-6) Fear of Yahweh makes Him your solid foundation! When you reverence Him, He becomes a vast storehouse of wellbeing for your soul. And He lavishes you with insight and understanding of His deep mysteries.

“If I called it treasure, then you would do well to pay attention,” says Yahweh. “Has there ever been a greater treasure than what is found in Me? Treasures are, of course, hidden and valuable mysteries. Yes, they take time and effort to find, but what is revealed will be well worth your search. Yes, it is deep revelation. As you sketch the map that leads to My treasure, “X” marks the spot. And the X is fear, holy reverence of Me My child. Where proper fear exists, there is a multitude of treasures. The bounty is yours for the taking.

What am I asking of you? What is a fuller understanding of proper fear of Me? It is many things My loved one, as every area of your life needs a specific application of fear. May I give you a few definitions?

Awe and wonder: a state of amazement.

Reverence: recognizing My holiness and Supreme authority.

To be afraid: dread of standing on My holy ground in an unclean state.

Yes My child, all of these apply, and all of these must be applied to every area of your thought life. What you think, and therefore, what you do, incorporates all of these applications of fear. It’s time to remind you that this is the path to the treasure you desire. It is the sure foundation for your salvation (soul wellbeing), wisdom (deep insight), and knowledge (spiritual understanding), and all of these you can have in abundance when you fear Me.

Be practical about this. Have this mind in you. ‘I have to make a decision Father. You are the magnanimous One, and I will not consider anything man has to say, nor will I be influenced by man, until I hear from You first. Though I may get counsel from many, I will wait upon You for the final answer. If I don’t directly hear from You and my peace remains, I will move forward in faith of good counsel. If I need to change course, please allow me to hear Your voice. It is You alone I follow Father.’

Yes My child. This incorporates all aspects of properly fearing Me. I can work mightily in you when you have this mindset. I desire to hand you the key to My treasures. Please allow Me the joy of doing so. It is what I Am due.”

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Come Out!
It is time I let everyone know. I'm Coming Out! I miss not hide this truth from anyone any longer.
I am officially as of today completely coming out of Babylon! Are you ready to do the same thing?
See this video if you are!

(#063 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Have I not told you, you are not to have friendship with this world (James 4:4)? If so, why do you choose to live like those who are strangers and foreigners to My family? Look at your life! Is this why I created you? Why is your life so—typical? In other words, why is it not set-apart from the world? My Kingdom suffers violence, and the violent [My hungry children] take it by force. (Matthew 11:12) Politics? What do I care about Caesar’s agenda? Economics? The gold and silver are mine! Society and life? Read Exodus! What do you think I meant when I said, "Come out of her My people"? (Revelation 18:4) Answer Me! What does this mean to you?

Listen to Me child. Babylon will always “babble-on.” Consider this; I planned the existence of evil so that good would have to overcome. It’s the battle the makes life what it is. How could righteousness be proven unless evil existed? How long will you play with what is not intended for you? I am fiercely protective of My culture and My boundaries. I may have a melting pot of children, but My culture is never to be changed or watered down to appease man’s disdainful compromises. Why else would I tell you that the same law applies to both the native-born [thoughts birthed in righteousness] and the foreigner [thoughts opposed to cleanliness] (Leviticus 24:22; Numbers 15:16; Exodus 12:49)? As such, the “foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” (Leviticus 19:34)

My most basic commands mandate separation (set-apartness, holiness)! Have I not called you My treasured possession? (Exodus 19:5) You are not of this world, you are citizens of Heaven [exalted conscience] (Philippians 3:20). Stop trying to blend into cultures that are not of Me. Mine is a culture of priests and prophets! Do something about your faith! If it is glory I seek, will I not help you do glorious things? Open your eyes! The light is right in front of you. Sojourners do not settle in; they know they are not staying and keep a loose grip on anything that will not remain when My Kingdom comes. That is the way it should be for you NOW! On earth as it is in My Kingdom (Matthew 6:10). Do not let Caesar entice you any longer. Come out I say; Come out! Your life, the entirety of your conscious and subconscious existence, depends on it.
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The Watchtower

(#061 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Yet I will rejoice in Yahweh, I will joy in the Mighty One of my salvation. Yahweh Almighty is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. (Habakkuk 3:18-19)

Oh Father, bring us to the watchtower as You did Habakkuk. Allow us to see Your purpose for us from a perspective higher than ours. Would Your grace grant us the privilege of seeing the way which has been planned for us. Oh, how we long to dance on the heights with You. Show us the way my King. Why must the unknown still seem so—fearful?

You speak to us of the “sacrifice of praise” Abba (Psalm 50:5, Psalm 107:22). The reality is that You have ordained that we must worship while in pain, and more so, that it is by this process that all pain is removed. Give us a supernatural zeal for this process Father; make it so sweet to us, even as You form our minds (hearts) with Your chisel. You have thus spoken that You are our answer to everything, the fulfillment of “exceedingly great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:3-4), and yet, we still have questions. This too is part of Your process.

We must rejoice and praise in obedience to Your commands regardless of how we "feel." It is in this that we cry out for Your strength Mighty Father. Even the zeal to praise You through our suffering comes from You. Where else can we go Father? Only You can increase our love for You, and we confess how much more of it we need. This is the mind You gave us and only You can define love. Where else can we go Father? Teach us to love You effortlessly and, in this, let us experience pieces of the joy of Your salvation until we are whole, complete, lacking no good thing (James 1:4). From the watchtower in our conscience we look for You every moment of every day. Be our beacon Abba. Show us the way.

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In a final message specifically for this day and time, Michael Rood and Bill Cloud reveal the uncomfortable truth that awaits believers who are willing to be fearless in Messiah, to stand their ground and shine an unwavering light to the world.

Watch this enlightening, empowering message for important instructions on how to endure despite encompassing chaos.

*Restoring the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith!*

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In this week’s study from Tehillim / Psalms 128:1-6, the psalm opens, א שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת אַשְׁרֵי כָּל-יְרֵא יְהֹוָה הַהֹלֵךְ בִּדְרָכָיו: 128:1 How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways. (NASB) The fear of the Lord is coupled to walking in His ways. We respect the Lord for His power and His watchful eyes on our lives. We know His promises and how He wants us to live for Him, and He told us what we should do. The Psalmist states, ב יְגִיעַ כַּפֶּיךָ כִּי תֹאכֵל אַשְׁרֶיךָ וְטוֹב לָךְ: 128:2 When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you. (NASB) The psalmist speaks of the fruit of our hands. This when coupled to the fear of the Lord and walking in His ways, the fruit of the hands will be that of righteousness, holiness, justice, and truth. This is why the psalmist states saying, ג אֶשְׁתְּךָ | כְּגֶפֶן פֹּרִיָּה בְּיַרְכְּתֵי בֵיתֶךָ בָּנֶיךָ כִּשְׁתִלֵי זֵיתִים סָבִיב לְשֻׁלְחָנֶךָ: ד הִנֵּה כִי-כֵן יְבֹרַךְ גָּבֶר יְרֵא יְהֹוָה: 28:3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine Within your house, Your children like olive plants Around your table. 128:4 Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed Who fears the Lord. (NASB)
It's Time For Truth LIVE Internet Broadcast Recording
3.28.15 The Prophets of YaHuWaH Series:
ONE CHOICE… Fear Man …or Love YaHuWaH With All Your Very Being!

Our creator says chose life or chose death. Whom you fear speaks about the result of your answer. In this audio I talk about the great wisdom of our Creator. That the Bible say is the fear of God.

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