We often hear the term "Grace vs. Law" but do we really understand the word "Law". In this video I discuss "The Law"
Will This Prophecy Come True?
We were doing some open-air preaching in front of Walmart. This guy comes to us with these words he received from Yahweh.
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Open Air Preaching, Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida
Street Preaching – Open Air Preaching, Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida
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Powerful Preaching on the New York Subway
I had to upload this to my channel. This is so great preaching. Some of the best I ever heard. Street Preaching works! or Train Preaching
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
Is Eating Meat Okay In The Bible?
Is Eating Meat Okay In The Bible?
Someone is asking me about meat in the Bible and is it okay to consume. Please post any questions you have about the Bible below.
His Name Is Yeshua NOT Jesus
His Name Is Yeshua NOT Jesus
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Music by Joseph Israel ( )
The MIcrowave Oven Is From The Devil
Microwave Not Healthy
If you care about your health you need to get rid of your microwave and stop watching so much T.V. In this video I explain so practical things you can do to improve your health.
The Healing Power of Linen
The Healing Power of Linen. Check out the website at
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Music by Joseph Israel ( )
Why Did God Allow Man To Eat Meat?
Long-time Vegan Rev. Geroge Malkmus of Hallelujah Acres explains why the Bible says man can eat meat and the consequence that comes with it.
Rosh Chodesh New Moon Blessing
Rosh Chodesh New Moon Blessing
It’s Yom Teruah, NOT Rosh Hashanah!
Today few people remember the biblical name of Yom Teruah and instead it is widely known as "Rosh Hashanah" which literally means "head of the year" and hence also "New Years". The transformation of Yom Teruah (Day of Shouting) into Rosh Hashanah (New Years) is the result of pagan Babylonian influence upon the Jewish nation.
On the 1st day of the Seventh month (Tishrei) the Torah commands us to observe the holy day of Yom Teruah which means "Day of Shouting" (Lev 23:23-25; Nu 29:1-6). Yom Teruah is a day of rest on which work is forbidden. One of the unique things about Yom Teruah is that the Torah does not say what the purpose of this holy day is.
Yom Teruah is mentioned in the following biblical passages:
Lev 23:23-25 "And YHVH spoke unto Moses saying, Speak to the Children of Israel saying, In the Seventh month on the first of the month will be a day of rest (Shabbaton) for you, a Remembrance Shouting, a holy convocation. You shall do no work and you will bring a fire sacrifice to YHVH."
Nu 29:1-6 "And in the Seventh month on the first of the month will be a holy convocation for you; you shall do no work, it will be a Day of Shouting for you. [List of Sacrifices for Yom Teruah]."
Can I Work On The Sabbath?
Can I Work On The Sabbath?
I reply to a question someone asked me about working on the Sabbath. They asked what does someone do if they don't have a choice but to work on the Sabbath. Here is my reply in this video