We don't choose our leaders, God does! No matter the politics, God sets leaders in place for specific reasons at specific times and we need to pray for them! This week on Shabbat Night Live, Michael Rood urges prayer for our leaders and explains why doing so is critical!

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.

In this 8-part teaching series, Michael delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake-up call to those who seek the Truth.

CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints.

This week on Shabbat Night Live, Michael Rood continues his series on The Jeremiah Verdict and how it relates to the current state of America. What makes us American? Find out this Friday Night!

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.
In this 8-part teaching series, Michael delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake up call to those who seek the Truth.

CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints. All on this week’s episode of Shabbat Night Live!

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.
In this 8-part teaching series, Michael Rood delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake up call to those who seek the Truth.

CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints. All on this week’s episode of Shabbat Night Live!

Pastor Carl Gallups lends unique expertise to the correlations between ancient prophecy and modern headlines in Ground Zero: Jerusalem.

This week, Pastor Carl unveils many disturbing ancient pagan practices and ceremonies being revived in our modern day cultures and governments.
Prophecy is foretold in the Bible — and fulfilled in today’s news. But America is not mentioned in the Bible, so can there be any true connections between modern America, Israel, and the end times?

In this series, you will learn how prophecy works, how modern America ties into ancient prophecy, why Israel is in the crosshairs, which countries to watch, and what’s about to happen next!

Make sure to catch this timely discussion on the next episode of Shabbat Night Live!

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.

In this 8-part teaching series, Michael Rood delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake up call to those who seek the Truth.

CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints.

Michael Rood continues his series on The Jeremiah Verdict and pleads for the people of God to write His Torah on their hearts.

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.
In this 8-part teaching series, Michael delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake up call to those who seek the Truth.
CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints.

Shalom Torah fans. This is Michael Rood and I’m in the old city of Jerusalem at Christ Church and tonight we are getting together with a great number of people right outside of Joppa Gate to sight the first sliver of the new moon. This will be the Day of Trumpets. And tonight there will be a great sign in the heavens.

Ladies and gentlemen, if this is the year that these things are going to come to pass, whether we are going to see is what revelation states that YeHoVaH gave unto Yeshua, this revelation to show unto his servant the things which swiftly must come to pass. Swiftly.

And the question is what is “swiftly”? What does it mean. And if this is the year, then it is going to take some very swift action to make this come to pass, and we are going to be looking at the book of Revelation and the stripping of the seals in a different light than we have done historically in the past.


Pastor Carl Gallups lends unique expertise to the correlations between ancient prophecy and modern headlines in Ground Zero: Jerusalem.

This week, Pastor Carl dives into the importance of the nation of Israel in the end times, as well as other geo-political topics that have prophetic significance in our world today .
Prophecy is foretold in the Bible — and fulfilled in today’s news. But America is not mentioned in the Bible, so can there be any true connections between modern America, Israel, and the end times?

In this series, you will learn how prophecy works, how modern America ties into ancient prophecy, why Israel is in the crosshairs, which countries to watch, and what’s about to happen next!

Make sure to catch this timely discussion on the next episode of Shabbat Night Live!

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Michael Rood continues his series on The Jeremiah Verdict and how it relates to the current state of America. What makes us American?

Jeremiah’s warning to ancient Israel holds true for America today: If we do not heed the awakening trump to return to our founding principles, and if we do not return to the Torah, we will soon be taken captive by our enemies.
In this 8-part teaching series, Michael delves into the book of Jeremiah with the intention of exposing how America is falling into the same perversion as ancient Israel — a much-needed wake up call to those who seek the Truth.

CONDEMNATION: The Jeremiah Verdict is a call to action. You will be inspired to fast and to pray. You will discover radical new meaning in the book of Jeremiah, and you will be driven to keep the faith once delivered to the saints.

Here's what's happening during the month of October at A Rood Awakening! Scott and Anny discuss Hanukkah 2018 and this month's love gift. Tedd Clayton interviews Michael Rood about the new Temple Treasures Exhibit here at A Rood Awakening!

— While the world is being steered by a beast system, which is an unrighteous confederation of nations, many evangelicals and end-time theologians purport that a one-world-government will soon emerge, being controlled by one man or country. But does Scripture support this theory?

Read Psalm 22:27-28.

It was on the Island of Patmos that Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days because he refused to keep his mouth shut concerning the teachings of Yeshua. He had been repeatedly beaten, tortured, and finally plunged into a caldron of boiling oil.

It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission – one last message to deliver – and it would take a man who had faithfully endured pain and suffering to the end. Yeshua came to him and told him to reveal Yeshua as he is now – not as a babe in a manger, not as a sheep silent before his shearers – but as the conquering, reigning judge over all the earth – the Messiah in all his power and glory and authority. Yeshua asked Yochanan to send a message to his servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – and these are the things the Messiah wants his faithful servants to know about the end of the age.

Find more information at: www.aroodawakening.tv
Watch The Chronological Gospels Season 1 here:
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