This week's study is titled "Two Sons and the Way of Life." Listen to more here:
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A Rood Awakening was founded by Michael Rood over 15 years ago, so we have thousands of hours of teaching videos for you to learn from here.
Michael Rood's videos will encourage you to study the Bible in ways you never have before — restoring the Hebrew roots of your faith!
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Rood Crew Radio – May 2018
Go behind the scenes at A Rood Awakening! International with host Tedd Clayton (COO) and members of the Rood Crew!
What's the new app all about?
What's next in Rood digital media?
What's coming up on Shabbat Night Live?
Who answers your tough biblical questions?
When is Shavuot all about and how do we celebrate it?
How can you tune into The Health Awakening Show?
Revelation Prophecy Conference | Yom Teruah 2016 with Michael Rood and Bill Cloud
Yom Teruah is an URGENT PROPHECY CONFERENCE that will address the recent developments in our world that have caused rapid acceleration in Biblical prophecy. Yom Teruah 2016 features:
• Michael Rood, “The Biblical Chronologist”
• Bill Cloud, Shoreshim Ministries
• PLUS… a former Islamic terrorist
During this amazing conference, you will:
• Learn why upcoming events may be a major trigger in prophetic chronology
• Understand the signs and sequence of Yeshua’s return
• Hear new revelation about what’s coming next in the state of the world
• Equip your spirit to prepare for the days ahead
• Empower your faith to bear fruit in the face of adversity
Act now for more information and details:
Tehillim / Psalms 46 Part 2, by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
The study of Psalms 46, Part 2 is titled "Under what Condition is God our Refuge and Strength?" In this study among other things, we discuss the present day reality of the kingdom of Grace and the two thrones that are mentioned in the New Testament, His throne of grace and his throne of glory while discussing Midrash Tehillim 46.
Tehillim / Psalms 43 Part 1 – Commentary by MATSATI.COM Messianic Ministry
The Psalms study is titled "The One who pleads on our behalf." Psalms 43 is a short psalm only 5 verses, we discuss fasting and how David trusts in the Lord from a Torah perspective rooted in the covenant even in the midst of troubles.
Tehillim / Psalms 45 Part 1, Commentary by MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
The Study on Psalms 45, Part 1 is titled "What is the Horse of the Kingdom and how does that relate to the Torah?" This title comes out of the Aramaic Targum and the rabbis have an interesting perspective that has historically caused this Psalm to be interpreted as Messianic. This may be why the author of the book of Hebrews used verses from this Psalm to describe Yeshua the Messiah in Hebrews chapter 1.
Bits of Torah Truths, Parashat Bo 2015, Commentary MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's reading is titled "The Rabbis Agree." This week’s reading from Midrash Rabbah provides us with a great example on the rabbinic methodology of Biblical interpretation showing us how the Apostolic Writings (NT) are consistent with the manner of interpretation taught by the sages of Israel. Many times when anti-missionaries come they bring with them the idea that the New Testament’s description of the Messiah is not consistent with the Tanach’s descriptions of the Messiah, and that the rabbinic interpretation is significantly different when in reality that is not always necessarily the case. This week’s reading from both the Torah and from Midrash Rabbah show one such case where the rabbis do in fact agree with the Apostolic account of the Messiah. The rabbis discuss these very important events in Israel’s history from Parashat Bo, and provide for us a very intelligent answer for the anti-missionary who claims that Yeshua is not the Messiah of God. Read more here:
Bits of Torah Truths, Parashat Vaera 2015, MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's Torah reading is titled "The Mouth of the Righteous and the Heart of the Wicked" Read more here:
Tehillim / Psalms 49 Part 1, Commentary by MATSATI(dot)COM Teaching Ministry
This week's study is titled "God will redeem my Soul from the power of the grave." – Read more here:
Tehillim / Psalms 43 Part 2 – Commentary by MATSATI.COM Messianic Ministry
Part 2 study of the Psalms is titled "The Merit of our Fathers." We discuss Midrash Tehillim 43, the topic of the merit of our fathers, and how this concept has been brought into the Apostolic Writings (NT). Hope you enjoy the commentary.
Tehillim / Psalms 46, Part 1, commentary by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's study on Tehillim / Psalms 46 is titled "Under what Condition is God our Refuge and Strength?" Understanding David's words requires us to look at a historical and cultural background that is Torah centric. Key verses from the Torah help us to understand exactly what David is trying to say in his Psalm for the sons of Korach. Hope you enjoy the study.